I am on PSN everyday searching for newness. Somethings I have not found yet. I just downloaded 2 movies, 5 comics & 2 PS1 games...the store is great, but could be a lot bette.
What products, apps or features would like Sony to add to the store.
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Background downloading. Idk if it's possible on the PSP but it would be nice to be able to do something else while a game or a movie downloads.
I usually just read a book though 8)
Worst idea ever. Of perfectly feasible ideas, I'd like to see screenshots, maybe an available trailer, and metacritic scores for games on PSN. There's simply no reason they should be lacking. Another thing I'd really like to see is digital rentals.Let Valve control PS Store.
[QUOTE="XXI_World"]Worst idea ever. Of perfectly feasible ideas, I'd like to see screenshots, maybe an available trailer, and metacritic scores for games on PSN. There's simply no reason they should be lacking. Another thing I'd really like to see is digital rentals.Let Valve control PS Store.
I agree about more sales, though we're seeing really minor ones weekly now. It's nothing impressive.Haha, I was just joking.
On a more serious note, the only thing the PS Store needs is more sales.XXI_World
And the internet is serious business, my friend. You never know who's joking. :P
background downloading and maybe downloading 2 or more items, Active pricing that is more sequenized to retail stores, telling us whats going to be on the store the friday before (and i mean everything that will be released), more demoes, and what i would really like, ordered by publisher and/or developer
More games, that's all!! And if you have a UMD version of a game but want to run it from the MS instead, then you should download that (using some security mech, and if it's avaliable) to your PSP.tjoeb123That'd be a good idea, it should come with like a 'code' for you to DL the game, i doubt this will happen anytime soon. But you never know. Because you can just DL the game to your psp, then give to a friend, or sell the game and still retain it.
[QUOTE="XXI_World"]Worst idea ever. Of perfectly feasible ideas, I'd like to see screenshots, maybe an available trailer, and metacritic scores for games on PSN. There's simply no reason they should be lacking. Another thing I'd really like to see is digital rentals.Let Valve control PS Store.
Scores would be a bad idea unless it effects game price. If Dev 1 made a game to sell for 30bux and Dev 2 made a game to sell at 30bux and Dev 2s game got a better score. Shouldnt Dev 2s game cost a lil more?
Worst idea ever. Of perfectly feasible ideas, I'd like to see screenshots, maybe an available trailer, and metacritic scores for games on PSN. There's simply no reason they should be lacking. Another thing I'd really like to see is digital rentals.[QUOTE="LongZhiZi"][QUOTE="XXI_World"]
Let Valve control PS Store.
They need low cost diversity. Movies should be 6.99
[QUOTE="tjoeb123"]More games, that's all!! And if you have a UMD version of a game but want to run it from the MS instead, then you should download that (using some security mech, and if it's avaliable) to your PSP.Xx-Addict-xXThat'd be a good idea, it should come with like a 'code' for you to DL the game, i doubt this will happen anytime soon. But you never know. Because you can just DL the game to your psp, then give to a friend, or sell the game and still retain it. Crap, I forgot.... But I still want to be able to run my UMD games from my Memory Stick (and not just "install data", I mean the full game)
[QUOTE="tjoeb123"]More games, that's all!! And if you have a UMD version of a game but want to run it from the MS instead, then you should download that (using some security mech, and if it's avaliable) to your PSP.Xx-Addict-xXThat'd be a good idea, it should come with like a 'code' for you to DL the game, i doubt this will happen anytime soon. But you never know. Because you can just DL the game to your psp, then give to a friend, or sell the game and still retain it.
I highly doubt sony, or any manufacturer, would do that unless it rendered the UMD obsolete. Otherwise people would just buy the game, rip it to the memory stick, then sell it back.
Actually, I thought of one other thing. The *option* (or at the very least, Sony doing a better job in terms of quality control) of downloading uncompressed games...or MediaGo decompresses it for you. I'm tired of games having framerate issues over the UMD versions because of this. Not all games are affected by it, but some are and well...I shouldn't be getting a sub-par product.LongZhiZi
I have not had this issue yet...this is the first I have heard about it. Ill be on the look out for that. I plan to get a few NEO GEO games.
[QUOTE="LongZhiZi"]Actually, I thought of one other thing. The *option* (or at the very least, Sony doing a better job in terms of quality control) of downloading uncompressed games...or MediaGo decompresses it for you. I'm tired of games having framerate issues over the UMD versions because of this. Not all games are affected by it, but some are and well...I shouldn't be getting a sub-par product.Coolyfett
I have not had this issue yet...this is the first I have heard about it. Ill be on the look out for that. I plan to get a few NEO GEO games.
Try the God of War demo. It's really obvious in that one. It also happens in the Motorstorm demo, but it's less noticeable unless you play it on a TV. The full game still has some of the slowdowns, but they aren't as bad. And I hear GTA: LCS/VCS are insultingly bad.That'd be a good idea, it should come with like a 'code' for you to DL the game, i doubt this will happen anytime soon. But you never know. Because you can just DL the game to your psp, then give to a friend, or sell the game and still retain it.[QUOTE="Xx-Addict-xX"][QUOTE="tjoeb123"]More games, that's all!! And if you have a UMD version of a game but want to run it from the MS instead, then you should download that (using some security mech, and if it's avaliable) to your PSP.damann22
I highly doubt sony, or any manufacturer, would do that unless it rendered the UMD obsolete. Otherwise people would just buy the game, rip it to the memory stick, then sell it back.
Not unless they come up with an install method similar to the one a certain somebody implemented...What method are you talking about? Xx-Addict-xX
some games like hexyz force and MGS: PW have an option to load part of the UMD onto the memory stick so load times are faster.
BTW i havent had any problems with framerate issues with all my psn games. Maybe its just the demo thats messed up
[QUOTE="Coolyfett"][QUOTE="LongZhiZi"]Actually, I thought of one other thing. The *option* (or at the very least, Sony doing a better job in terms of quality control) of downloading uncompressed games...or MediaGo decompresses it for you. I'm tired of games having framerate issues over the UMD versions because of this. Not all games are affected by it, but some are and well...I shouldn't be getting a sub-par product.LongZhiZi
I have not had this issue yet...this is the first I have heard about it. Ill be on the look out for that. I plan to get a few NEO GEO games.
Try the God of War demo. It's really obvious in that one. It also happens in the Motorstorm demo, but it's less noticeable unless you play it on a TV. The full game still has some of the slowdowns, but they aren't as bad. And I hear GTA: LCS/VCS are insultingly bad.I have LCS & VCS on UMD...GoW also on UMD...I never had the issue on my downloaded titles, but I hope Sony can get that together.
I also want more movies on there. Who Framed Roger Rabbit ison my wishlist, but Disney does not have it on PSN.
[QUOTE="Xx-Addict-xX"]What method are you talking about? damann22
some games like hexyz force and MGS: PW have an option to load part of the UMD onto the memory stick so load times are faster.
BTW i havent had any problems with framerate issues with all my psn games. Maybe its just the demo thats messed up
Nope...I'm talking about the (optional) install method used by a certain console that's not to be named here...
I would simply like to see them kick it into gear on the PSOne ports. There are a metric pant-load of games out there I'd like to have access to again in a portable form and it seems like after they got those FF games done, they just STOPPED. I have had SO much fun replaying "Metal Gear Solid" recently, and I've been hounding this forum with cries of "Colony Wars" and it's sequels for months now, to no avail.
I think SONY would have a say with PS1 games. I just cant get into ps1 games again. A couple RPG's i guess so. But most of the games are so bland and simple. Maybe that's why eveyone loves em'. They're simple and safe and quick, cheap entertainment. I understand all the 'reliving my past and playing through my fav. games' blah blah blah....Sorry if the PSN doesn't carry a ps1 game that no one really like but 5 people like 15 years ago, Nothing will really change about the support now, saying the developer of the game still exsistsXx-Addict-xX
C'mon, Addict... are you crazed from the heat?
To each their ownI suppose so I mean no put-down. But there are some fantastic, historic PSOne games... "MGS", "Abe's Odessey", the RE series, "Silent Hill"... they're all games with excellent pedigry and I think "MGS" especially has held it's own as far as aging, and it's far from an uncomplicated game. I'm not re-living anything really... I'm playing some great games on the go...
... and yes, you're right, the price is definitely a plus in most cases, but I honestly feel that a ton of PSOne games they have up for sale are completely viable games today as well as a wonderful history lesson. I am really glad they're doing this and making these games available as portables or even PS3 HDD candy. As long as they're not making new games with good stuff very often, the PSONe library makes up for a lot of holes.
Just my opinion, your milage may very.
[QUOTE="Xx-Addict-xX"]I think SONY would have a say with PS1 games. I just cant get into ps1 games again. A couple RPG's i guess so. But most of the games are so bland and simple. Maybe that's why eveyone loves em'. They're simple and safe and quick, cheap entertainment. I understand all the 'reliving my past and playing through my fav. games' blah blah blah....Sorry if the PSN doesn't carry a ps1 game that no one really like but 5 people like 15 years ago, Nothing will really change about the support now, saying the developer of the game still exsistsMonkeySpot
C'mon, Addict... are you crazed from the heat?
To each their ownI suppose so I mean no put-down. But there are some fantastic, historic PSOne games... "MGS", "Abe's Odessey", the RE series, "Silent Hill"... they're all games with excellent pedigry and I think "MGS" especially has held it's own as far as aging, and it's far from an uncomplicated game. I'm not re-living anything really... I'm playing some great games on the go...
... and yes, you're right, the price is definitely a plus in most cases, but I honestly feel that a ton of PSOne games they have up for sale are completely viable games today as well as a wonderful history lesson. I am really glad they're doing this and making these games available as portables or even PS3 HDD candy. As long as they're not making new games with good stuff very often, the PSONe library makes up for a lot of holes.
Just my opinion, your milage may very.
I think SONY would have a say with PS1 games. I just cant get into ps1 games again. A couple RPG's i guess so. But most of the games are so bland and simple. Maybe that's why eveyone loves em'. They're simple and safe and quick, cheap entertainment. I understand all the 'reliving my past and playing through my fav. games' blah blah blah....Sorry if the PSN doesn't carry a ps1 game that no one really like but 5 people like 15 years ago, Nothing will really change about the support now, saying the developer of the game still exsistsXx-Addict-xX
C'mon, Addict... are you crazed from the heat?
To each their ownI suppose so I mean no put-down. But there are some fantastic, historic PSOne games... "MGS", "Abe's Odessey", the RE series, "Silent Hill"... they're all games with excellent pedigry and I think "MGS" especially has held it's own as far as aging, and it's far from an uncomplicated game. I'm not re-living anything really... I'm playing some great games on the go...
... and yes, you're right, the price is definitely a plus in most cases, but I honestly feel that a ton of PSOne games they have up for sale are completely viable games today as well as a wonderful history lesson. I am really glad they're doing this and making these games available as portables or even PS3 HDD candy. As long as they're not making new games with good stuff very often, the PSONe library makes up for a lot of holes.
Just my opinion, your milage may very.
Haha. nothing was posted above, my bad. But i understand the whole price thing and small size. But it just seems people are getting angry because not EVERY ps1 title is up on the PSN. like half this thread is about em'. I've bought 1 ps1 classic, suikoden. But i dunno i guess i'm just dazed and confused :)I wouldn't mind it if donwload times were more consitent. Some take seconds, other a few minutes, and then some half an hour. At least let me do something else on the PSP as it downloads.
On the demo note, I'd also like to see more of them so I can know for sure if it is a game I'd want to get and know is a perfect fit for me.
I wouldn't mind it if donwload times were more consitent. Some take seconds, other a few minutes, and then some half an hour. At least let me do something else on the PSP as it downloads.
On the demo note, I'd also like to see more of them so I can know for sure if it is a game I'd want to get and know is a perfect fit for me.
Would the file size matter??
Music section be better and prices are cheaper, can make the PStore much cheaper. Since they don't have to pay for the disc and cover, they should sell their games at a cheaper price than retail. GodofEmpires
Awww, but then I'd have to go to gamestop and buy a PSN card with my Gamestop gift card. Funny to think about.
Music section be better and prices are cheaper, can make the PStore much cheaper. Since they don't have to pay for the disc and cover, they should sell their games at a cheaper price than retail. GodofEmpires
I agree with this....I think a lot of consumers are still buying hardcopy software....many are still not aware that you can buy games off the net. They need to lower their prices on a lot of things. I love the organization of Playstation Network....but I am curious to know what will happen to the PSN store once the Nintendo Store starts selling those 3D movies for the 3DS....Will Sony start selling HD movies for SD movie prices??
The prices for many games are laughable. Granted, there are some games on there which are pretty much bargains and others that are absolutely reasonably priced, but there are still plenty that are an absolute rip off. Comics are expensive as well - tried out Vampire Hunter D on it, but for the price of each chapter you could get the book for less (and I'd rather have the actual book personally).
The biggest thing I'd want though, is for them to say the size of the games in MB. Maybe the info is there but I just couldn't find it (if so, they should make it easier to find, because I looked pretty thoroughly - they say the size of the necessary save file but not of the actual game?!?). I can't buy too many downloadable games (large ones at any rate) as I only have a 2GB card, can't afford a really expensive one with more space, and don't want loads of 2GB cards lying around with different game data on them. I bought Capcom Classics off the store recently, but in order to make sure I could fit it on the card, I ended up having to look on torrent sites to see how big the ISO of the game was!
The prices for many games are laughable. Granted, there are some games on there which are pretty much bargains and others that are absolutely reasonably priced, but there are still plenty that are an absolute rip off. Comics are expensive as well - tried out Vampire Hunter D on it, but for the price of each chapter you could get the book for less (and I'd rather have the actual book personally).
The biggest thing I'd want though, is for them to say the size of the games in MB. Maybe the info is there but I just couldn't find it (if so, they should make it easier to find, because I looked pretty thoroughly - they say the size of the necessary save file but not of the actual game?!?). I can't buy too many downloadable games (large ones at any rate) as I only have a 2GB card, can't afford a really expensive one with more space, and don't want loads of 2GB cards lying around with different game data on them. I bought Capcom Classics off the store recently, but in order to make sure I could fit it on the card, I ended up having to look on torrent sites to see how big the ISO of the game was!
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