Have You even played the game?I played it and Sheva is nothing like you mentioned The AI of Sheva is gr8 and when I get lost she actually helps me where to go:/ and if you dont like having sheva playing with you then go get a cousin or a friend and the Online COOP is gr8 Its cool to make fun of these noobs who keep saying Help me help me when i dont help them ..(i help them at the last sec)And if you dont like that game just use your so called brain and dont buy itYou know what, **** you capcom. Thats what I have to say, and here is why. YOU SCREWED UP RE5, YOU IDIOTS! "But Essian, whatever do you mean?" You must be asking right? Here is what I am talking about: THEY MADE SHEVA AN IDIOT. She likes to stand around and not do **** or she'll blow through all of your bullets and healing items before you can so much as say "Sheva you're a ****** who I don't want in this game" (not that I won't be saying that the whole time). I mean, what the **** were they thinking? "Hmm," they must have said, "I wonder how we can take a game that had the ability to be great and **** it up completely. I KNOW" He exclaimed with joy "Let's put an AI partner than none of the solo players will want, and then give her really bad AI programming." And so they rejoiced, because they managed to take away the entire experience for the solo player.
But what about online coop? Right. Here is my problem with online coop. IT RUINS THE GAME. This game is supposed to be about tension, and communication, and having a partner who you will probably grow fond of after he saves you ass for the millionth time. That probably wont be the case with online multiplayer. If Gears of War, Too Human, and every other online coop game have taught me, the idea of online coop is so incredibly lame that it can ruin any experience. Now dont get me wrong, there are some games that do coop very well (Resistance 2, Left 4 Dead, Army of Two etc) because they decide to throw the story out the ****ing window. When you are playing with someone who moves insanely fast through the levels, is an expert to the point where he could probably kill every enemy with nothing but his knife and melee moves, it ruins an experience like RE5 because its supposed to be tense. Also, the whole "liking your partner thing" is ruined after he calls you an "uber noob" for being accidently hit upside the head by a foe and having to use one of your 20 different healing items... sorry I'm not as elite as you, but I dont have time to memorize the layout of every RE5 map.
Now dont get wrong. Anyone who has played RE4 as much as I have (prolly about 6-7 times I think) knows the game well enough that they can get through it with nothing more than a pistol (except for boss fights and some of the bigger fights) but the point is that I know the game so well that it ceases to be difficult. But the fact that I'm alone, and that every decision has ramifications on me and no one else, and that no one can screw up the experience for me, makes RE4 great. Now that Sheva has the ability to consume all my ammo, waste all my health items and probably get killed forcing me to watch the "Game Over" screen a couple of hundred times for sheer lack of AI incompetence, you tell me how great this game will be. GET RID OF SHEVA! I dont care if you have to do a patch, or DLC, or rerelease the game with Sheva not present except when there are two actual people playing, but for the love of god stop being lazy **** who screw up games because they are too damn lazy to make two separate campaigns, one gears towards SOLO PLAY. Honestly, it wouldnt be a big deal if they just favored coop, but the fact that they managed to kill single player in the process is a testament to their failure.
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