I've played all 4 games you mentioned (own APF 2K and just bought Madden 07 used, rented Madden 08 and NCAA 08). Here's my 2 cents:
Madden 08 has more modes than 07 but the graphics and the gameplay are mostly similar. 08 has the Ring builder vs 08 Madden points. The graphics are also similar to NCAA08. The issue I had with EA football was that there were too many turnovers inbothMadden and NCAA. I also did not like Madden's EA radio guy as the only announcer. The main difference between 08 and 07is the weapons feature of 08. It gives some strategy aspect to 08 but if you have 07 already, I don't think you need to buy it (maybe rent 08 first to see if the differences are worth the $60)
2K football had a better in game experience, the graphics were better and the presentation, with halftime and post game recaps were good (but not as good as 2k5's in studio version).The announcingis better than Madden and on par with NCAA.I liked playing the legends. I thought I would miss the NFL license but so far, that hasn't been as bad as I thought. The problem with 2K is that it only has 2 modes - play now and season. No franchise, superstar, etc.
It's too bad this year, there hasn't been that 1 must have football game. Buy Madden if you like doing different off the field things (e.g. modes). Buy 2K if you want a better in game football and don't mind the lack of modes and the NFL license
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