GuYs I NEeD Ur HElp !!!
I WantEd To Buy TWo GaMEs !!! FrOm TheSe FOUr GaMEs
1 . GHOstHunTer
2 . SirEn
3 . BrAin LArA INternAtIoNal CRiCket 2006
4 . CRCiket 2007
5 . AbScure 2
6 . CoLD FEar
GuYs PLease Tell Me WhICh 2 GAmes ShoUld I BUy And WHy !! And i know these all are PLayStation2 GamEs and i ShoUlD Post in Ps2 forums but EVEryoNe ComEs To PS3 FOruMs so I GeT no RespoNs FROm There
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