...to be really good, but now that i knwo its beign spread out over so many consoles, including the PS2, i feel alot of stuff is gonna have to be sacrificed. Man i wish the main platform for this game was the PS3 it could ahve been amazing with all teh crazy physics.
From what I've seen of the trailer it looks to have amazing crazy physics. This game is pretty much a must buy for me, next Spring is gonna be awesome.
From what I've seen of the trailer it looks to have amazing crazy physics. This game is pretty much a must buy for me, next Spring is gonna be awesome.Jamh83
yeah i know im prolly gonna by it too, does nyone knwo the main system it was developed on?
at the special vent i went to at celebration 4, i meet all the character voices, and people heading the game, they said they are determined to make this great and take full advantage of each console, i trust lucas arts and still will be a must buy for any SW fan, like me!
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