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i think what you want is a PS2.... and thats only $129, go buy one.ajefferismum, if yo have read anything by now you should have read that i do own a ps3 already. My concern is not with the price for ME. ITS FOR THE OTHER 95 million who haven't bought in YET. I was suggesting possible was were people could get in, by having not only a 100 price cut but a 300 dollar price cut. PS3 would proably reach 30 million if not more in a year or maybe 2. Come on, SOnys greastest system is at or below the 5 million mark when Wii is at almost 8 million, my point is that Sony needs to reach out to market who can afford their product
thats why you dont work for sony and u just blog lol ... that was the dumbest stuff i've heard since it was was said that paris hilton got punished more harshly than she should have
um, whats so dumb about making a product more affordable, no matter how you do it, so more people buy your product and therefore make more of a profit. Whats dumb is the PS3 sales. And why do you have to be so insulting?point is that not everyone can afford the current price tag on the ps3, so something should be done to change that
This is the stupidest post ever. You're an idiot for saying this. Ne way they had a 20 GB that didn't sell at all and now its off the market. What's the point of having a ps3 with all of this stuff out of it. The point is to have the blueray player, not only does it play movies, but games are blue-ray to, duh.AdaMoochUDthe 20 gb version still sold at a really high price as well 500 bucks, if it was at 400 i think it would have done so much better
[QUOTE="coolasj19"]the PS3 was made to be future proof not 5 years like the oither one console instead of realseing aothe r SKU in a couple get it all otver withh now.willxcool
You nailed it bro, yeah ps3 will be like the future thing when the rest are like rooting
um, do you guys have any idea how much technology will change 5 years from now LOL LOL LOL. Gezz, most people act like the ps3 was taken out of the future or it fell from a UFO craft or it is some top secret government system that wont get cirrculated into the normal popluation in like 5 years. In 5 years the competion could bring out a system that could easily trump the ps3 just because of how technology progresses. Furthermore, i don't think it was wise for Sony to neglect teh present to secure the future. I mean, they are at par with the competion on some things and other things we allowe time for them to catch up on because they are behind a year. but still, to claim you look into the futre and now what going to happen to support you case is not very wiseI think they should first make a ps3 that hasa stripped downblue ray player or DVD that devs could still make games on for both verison, if thats even possiable. This way if someone really wants the dvd player in their ps3 they would just end up buying the $600 version. I think they should take out the WIFI, and drop the 60gb down to a 30 gb. Also, take out all backwards capabilities technology. Then sell the system for $300 without a wireless controller and with a wired one. Also, take out the HDMI ports it that save money too.
This way they get there price cut without having to lose more money and go into the red zone deeper. They would probably reach deep into the 100 million fan pool all more.
And right before i would launch this down graded version, i would have MGS3, FFIII, and KZ2 (assuming it would live up to the hype) ready forbuyingthe same day as the new console.
I think they would sell millions more consoles, and then they could focus on getting more third party support. After, two of the down graded versiion is or they started seeing that they have broke even or was making a profit drop the down graded verison and introduce our 600 version for 450, and then have another ps3, that would have some amazing features like playing 600 channels of tv through the ps3 that would rival any satilight or cable networks. and beable to fully fuction as a fast pc. Alos, coming up with a brilliant new control system that dwarfs the wii. Then i would not sell very many and cause the gaming divion to go into the red, but i would slowily introduce it into the market at 150 more than it would cost to make, probabley around 800. I wwould want to market it so the games would look more like an a side thing rather than a gaming system. I would want to target fathers, and not moms, kids. It would have every sports channle. easy to use recording devise to be able to record several games at once then watch them all latter. If the PS3 is really 1/4 the power of a super computer i would take full advatage of every thing i could and market it to the real descison makers. THe dads
If sony would of created a system like that, it wouldn't be a ps3, it waould simply just be a ps2.5, seriously your not asking for a ps3 your asking for a ps2.5.
[QUOTE="urio1"]some of the stuff dogmatic said did actually make sense but u really can't remove BD because thats one of the reasons that the PS3 is so awesome.... i think that many people do not want to pay for a video game console but wat most people fail to realize is that the PS3 is an ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM..... and lets face it, with all of the updates coming out the PS3 will eventually be able to do anything... even cook my dinner and arrange my dates lmao jp i can do dat stuff myself but still i think Sony should do this... leave the 60 GB version out on sale but instead offer a version with around15 GB(idk wat icould possibly do with 60 GB or even 15 GB besides game demos)remove HDMI and use component A/V instead which is much cheaper and just as good... include a wired controller... no complact flash/SD/micro??? slots lol ummm no more wi-fi oh and instead of the blu-ray being able to play movies they should sell that function as an add-on like Microsoft did i hope i didnt sound stupid... does any1 agree with me?Dogmatic923yeah, you said it better than me, but thats the main point i want to underscore is make a verison that is affordable to the masses and doesn't cost sony to loss money on every system sold. I should of stuck with that instead of giving my techinacl advise, but anyway, i like how you said it
thanks lol but dats just my opinion and most of it was based on wat u said but a solid price around 300 would really help out alot
[QUOTE="urio1"]some of the stuff dogmatic said did actually make sense but u really can't remove BD because thats one of the reasons that the PS3 is so awesome.... i think that many people do not want to pay for a video game console but wat most people fail to realize is that the PS3 is an ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM..... and lets face it, with all of the updates coming out the PS3 will eventually be able to do anything... even cook my dinner and arrange my dates lmao jp i can do dat stuff myself but still i think Sony should do this... leave the 60 GB version out on sale but instead offer a version with around15 GB(idk wat icould possibly do with 60 GB or even 15 GB besides game demos)remove HDMI and use component A/V instead which is much cheaper and just as good... include a wired controller... no complact flash/SD/micro??? slots lol ummm no more wi-fi oh and instead of the blu-ray being able to play movies they should sell that function as an add-on like Microsoft did i hope i didnt sound stupid... does any1 agree with me?hama666
It wouldnt be possible to be honest. The 360 uses the HD-DVD drive as an optional addition, however its not the console's game format. DVD-9 is what the 360 uses. Whereas blu-ray more or less IS the PS3. All PS3 game discs are formatted in blu-ray discs and it is blu-ray which makes the PS3 seem superior to the 360. If they got rid of it, it would just be a glorified PS2 with better visuals. And thats only going to harm sales even further.
wow good point lol i didnt know dat it runs on DVD-9 but hmm blu-ray really is the PS3 in a sense... but isnt the 360 just a glorified xbox with better visuals and media capabilities??? i mean the ps3 is a glorified ps2 with better visual and media capabilities as well but as we all have noticed many developers favor the PS3 because it gives them the chance to get very creative with the video games that are produced :o lol and in the end dats really all dat matters
Well, let's see what they can remove. They need bluray (same speed), the cell, the RSX, the ram (same amount, same place), they need a hard drive of some sort, they need a controller...
Well, so they can do things like remove the wireless, downgrade the HDD, remove the memory card readers, and dumb down the casing, right? They already DID that with the 20 gig and nobody wanted it.
[QUOTE="Password1233456"][QUOTE="Dogmatic923"][QUOTE="player2k"][QUOTE="Dogmatic923"]I think they should first make a ps3 that hasa stripped downblue ray player or DVD that devs could still make games on for both verison, if thats even possiable. This way if someone really wants the dvd player in their ps3 they would just end up buying the $600 version. I think they should take out the WIFI, and drop the 60gb down to a 30 gb. Also, take out all backwards capabilities technology. Then sell the system for $300 without a wireless controller and with a wired one. Also, take out the HDMI ports it that save money too.
This way they get there price cut without having to lose more money and go into the red zone deeper. They would probably reach deep into the 100 million fan pool all more.
And right before i would launch this down graded version, i would have MGS3, FFIII, and KZ2 (assuming it would live up to the hype) ready forbuyingthe same day as the new console.
I think they would sell millions more consoles, and then they could focus on getting more third party support. After, two of the down graded versiion is or they started seeing that they have broke even or was making a profit drop the down graded verison and introduce our 600 version for 450, and then have another ps3, that would have some amazing features like playing 600 channels of tv through the ps3 that would rival any satilight or cable networks. and beable to fully fuction as a fast pc. Alos, coming up with a brilliant new control system that dwarfs the wii. Then i would not sell very many and cause the gaming divion to go into the red, but i would slowily introduce it into the market at 150 more than it would cost to make, probabley around 800. I wwould want to market it so the games would look more like an a side thing rather than a gaming system. I would want to target fathers, and not moms, kids. It would have every sports channle. easy to use recording devise to be able to record several games at once then watch them all latter. If the PS3 is really 1/4 the power of a super computer i would take full advatage of every thing i could and market it to the real descison makers. THe dads
thats why you dont work for sony and u just blog lol ... that was the dumbest stuff i've heard since it was was said that paris hilton got punished more harshly than she should have
um, whats so dumb about making a product more affordable, no matter how you do it, so more people buy your product and therefore make more of a profit. Whats dumb is the PS3 sales. And why do you have to be so insulting?This is a severely idiotic post. First off i got my HDTV for $800, not $1000-2000. Not to mention you can definately get them cheaper depending on size and other stats.
Blu-Ray (not "blue ray") is not WAY more expensive. What are you so cheap you cant afford an extra $5 or so!?
Its not that expensive compared to DVD.
Same thing with the $60 game argument, sure if you look at the whole price its expensive. But if you just realize its only $10 more than a 50 dollar game then its not so bad.
Oh and why must you mention dial-up? I have always said dial-up is as good as dead. Dial-up is not good for ANYTHING!
The connection is slow and unreliable, with its constant disconnects. Grow up, noone has dial-up anymore.
i like my ps3 just the way it is, but i can understand the idea of having a stripped down version. some people just was a games console and not all the extra stuff. dont know why they're not carrying o with the cheaper20 gig version. a lot of people who fancy a ps3 are put off by the price right now, or have no intrest in the all the added features
I think they should first make a ps3 that hasa stripped downblue ray player or DVD that devs could still make games on for both verison, if thats even possiable. This way if someone really wants the dvd player in their ps3 they would just end up buying the $600 version. I think they should take out the WIFI, and drop the 60gb down to a 30 gb. Also, take out all backwards capabilities technology. Then sell the system for $300 without a wireless controller and with a wired one. Also, take out the HDMI ports it that save money too.
This way they get there price cut without having to lose more money and go into the red zone deeper. They would probably reach deep into the 100 million fan pool all more.
And right before i would launch this down graded version, i would have MGS3, FFIII, and KZ2 (assuming it would live up to the hype) ready forbuyingthe same day as the new console.
I think they would sell millions more consoles, and then they could focus on getting more third party support. After, two of the down graded versiion is or they started seeing that they have broke even or was making a profit drop the down graded verison and introduce our 600 version for 450, and then have another ps3, that would have some amazing features like playing 600 channels of tv through the ps3 that would rival any satilight or cable networks. and beable to fully fuction as a fast pc. Alos, coming up with a brilliant new control system that dwarfs the wii. Then i would not sell very many and cause the gaming divion to go into the red, but i would slowily introduce it into the market at 150 more than it would cost to make, probabley around 800. I wwould want to market it so the games would look more like an a side thing rather than a gaming system. I would want to target fathers, and not moms, kids. It would have every sports channle. easy to use recording devise to be able to record several games at once then watch them all latter. If the PS3 is really 1/4 the power of a super computer i would take full advatage of every thing i could and market it to the real descison makers. THe dads
ive already stated this, they should just rip off the wii idea. then it wil be theres.
downgraded PS3 is horrible, but not that extreme. no BD no backward capability and no HDMI(retarded), I bought the PS3 because it can play BD movies, ps2 and ps1 games, and also displaying 1080p. That's the main reason I bought it. So those features should be kept.because now i am in credit card debt!
Bottom line is that every PS3 needs the Bluray drive, the cell processor and the graphics card. Those things alone probably cost Sony $600 dollars right now. Whatever is left that they can strip down while including those things won't lower the production costs by much. Certainly if the $500 version had been priced at $400 it would have been flying off the shelves, few people could have rationalized spending an extra $200 for the premium version. The problem is even another $100 dollar loss multiplied by the 6 million they would have sold by now is another 600 million dollars lost for Sony. They have this planned out. They figured how much they could afford to lose, they priced it as low as they could, they've planned for cost reductions in production and how and when to lower the consumer price further. They've thought this through.
You're worried about Sony's position and their decision to use Bluray when that puts it out of the price range of average consumers. Don't worry. It's Microsoft that should be worried. PS3 has sold really well considering it's price and relative lack of games compared to it's competition. In two years time Microsoft will have to introduce a new system because the games that will be coming out for the PS3 will make the X360 look like a Wii in comparison and with a couple of price drops everyone will be ready to pay a little more for the PS3 since it has by far the best games. In conclusion, your PS3 was a safe investment.
I nominate this for the most stupid topic of the year.darkmanure
I mean seriously, after this lets make really economical Ferrari's that are plastic and you have to pedal to make them go, just so Ferrari can increase theier sales :lol:
I think they should first make a ps3 that hasa stripped downblue ray player or DVD that devs could still make games on for both verison, if thats even possiable. This way if someone really wants the dvd player in their ps3 they would just end up buying the $600 version. I think they should take out the WIFI, and drop the 60gb down to a 30 gb. Also, take out all backwards capabilities technology. Then sell the system for $300 without a wireless controller and with a wired one. Also, take out the HDMI ports it that save money too.
This way they get there price cut without having to lose more money and go into the red zone deeper. They would probably reach deep into the 100 million fan pool all more.
And right before i would launch this down graded version, i would have MGS3, FFIII, and KZ2 (assuming it would live up to the hype) ready forbuyingthe same day as the new console.
I think they would sell millions more consoles, and then they could focus on getting more third party support. After, two of the down graded versiion is or they started seeing that they have broke even or was making a profit drop the down graded verison and introduce our 600 version for 450, and then have another ps3, that would have some amazing features like playing 600 channels of tv through the ps3 that would rival any satilight or cable networks. and beable to fully fuction as a fast pc. Alos, coming up with a brilliant new control system that dwarfs the wii. Then i would not sell very many and cause the gaming divion to go into the red, but i would slowily introduce it into the market at 150 more than it would cost to make, probabley around 800. I wwould want to market it so the games would look more like an a side thing rather than a gaming system. I would want to target fathers, and not moms, kids. It would have every sports channle. easy to use recording devise to be able to record several games at once then watch them all latter. If the PS3 is really 1/4 the power of a super computer i would take full advatage of every thing i could and market it to the real descison makers. THe dads
your taking out all thats good of the ps3.
I think they should first make a ps3 that hasa stripped downblue ray player or DVD that devs could still make games on for both verison, if thats even possiable. This way if someone really wants the dvd player in their ps3 they would just end up buying the $600 version. I think they should take out the WIFI, and drop the 60gb down to a 30 gb. Also, take out all backwards capabilities technology. Then sell the system for $300 without a wireless controller and with a wired one. Also, take out the HDMI ports it that save money too.
This way they get there price cut without having to lose more money and go into the red zone deeper. They would probably reach deep into the 100 million fan pool all more.
And right before i would launch this down graded version, i would have MGS3, FFIII, and KZ2 (assuming it would live up to the hype) ready forbuyingthe same day as the new console.
I think they would sell millions more consoles, and then they could focus on getting more third party support. After, two of the down graded versiion is or they started seeing that they have broke even or was making a profit drop the down graded verison and introduce our 600 version for 450, and then have another ps3, that would have some amazing features like playing 600 channels of tv through the ps3 that would rival any satilight or cable networks. and beable to fully fuction as a fast pc. Alos, coming up with a brilliant new control system that dwarfs the wii. Then i would not sell very many and cause the gaming divion to go into the red, but i would slowily introduce it into the market at 150 more than it would cost to make, probabley around 800. I wwould want to market it so the games would look more like an a side thing rather than a gaming system. I would want to target fathers, and not moms, kids. It would have every sports channle. easy to use recording devise to be able to record several games at once then watch them all latter. If the PS3 is really 1/4 the power of a super computer i would take full advatage of every thing i could and market it to the real descison makers. THe dads
no thanks, i don't want the ps3 to look like the wii60, or whatever you call microsofts new machine, but oh well, wii and 360 are same thing anyways since 360's graphics looks just as good as wii. but yeah, i hope this doesn't happen because i want people to be able to watch blu-ray movies and view games and movies on hd when they get a hdtv.
I think they should first make a ps3 that hasa stripped downblue ray player or DVD that devs could still make games on for both verison, if thats even possiable. This way if someone really wants the dvd player in their ps3 they would just end up buying the $600 version. I think they should take out the WIFI, and drop the 60gb down to a 30 gb. Also, take out all backwards capabilities technology. Then sell the system for $300 without a wireless controller and with a wired one. Also, take out the HDMI ports it that save money too.
This way they get there price cut without having to lose more money and go into the red zone deeper. They would probably reach deep into the 100 million fan pool all more.
And right before i would launch this down graded version, i would have MGS3, FFIII, and KZ2 (assuming it would live up to the hype) ready forbuyingthe same day as the new console.
I think they would sell millions more consoles, and then they could focus on getting more third party support. After, two of the down graded versiion is or they started seeing that they have broke even or was making a profit drop the down graded verison and introduce our 600 version for 450, and then have another ps3, that would have some amazing features like playing 600 channels of tv through the ps3 that would rival any satilight or cable networks. and beable to fully fuction as a fast pc. Alos, coming up with a brilliant new control system that dwarfs the wii. Then i would not sell very many and cause the gaming divion to go into the red, but i would slowily introduce it into the market at 150 more than it would cost to make, probabley around 800. I wwould want to market it so the games would look more like an a side thing rather than a gaming system. I would want to target fathers, and not moms, kids. It would have every sports channle. easy to use recording devise to be able to record several games at once then watch them all latter. If the PS3 is really 1/4 the power of a super computer i would take full advatage of every thing i could and market it to the real descison makers. THe dads
Dude Sony did what they did because they know that and also they wanted to do it this way.(the way they plan out the PS3)
(Everything cost money) U have a good idea, make ur own system and see why the Sony did what they did for the PS3.
Just saying.......
The only thing they should downgrade is the harddrive (20 gig) and the Wifi. They've already taken out the PS2 emotion chip so that has been done.
Leave the BR, HDMI and definetly the wireless controller (I mean EVERY other console has wireless now).
If theywerealready planning a $150 or $200 price drop (which I think they are), removing the Wifi and downgrading the harddrive could drive the price to about $350.
To me that's asfar as they should go. If they fiddle with Blu-Ray at all, the PS3 is lost and Sony just commited suicide.
The 20gig version is as stripped down as the Ps3 was going to get except you could of done the Bc by emulation like the Pal Ps3 are doing now which have the emotion chip removed and saved about $20-$30, I mean they alsocould of taken out the card readers but it would look diffrent and would only lower the price by around $8, This is how the Ps3 is, Its future proof and im glad ive got the 60gig one because it has everything you could ever want.No_worrys_mate
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