I was going to buy a ps3.. Nowwww not so much

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#1 KingDridge
Member since 2008 • 321 Posts

Just got done watching the SONY press conference(had to DVR it). I cant help but be dissapointed, I really planned on buying the PS3 as a secondary system. I now cannot help but think I should not go out and throw down the cash for the PS3. 85% of that conference was not anything to do with the PS3 and its games. I mean how can you call something the flagship console and not show something more than some great looking footage of Resistance.. thats just not enough for me. Honestly... Dont announce your 29.99 games -- and dont spend 15 minutes on your movies/music feature. It just really showed me that Sony really does not have that much set in stone. It has nothing solid for the near future and its trying to make up for it with all these multi-media content

After watching that conference, they someone managed to flop more then nintendo-- Only because Sony HAD to pull out a great show after Microsoft and they failed.

Is the ps3 even a video game console anymore? Or is it trying to push itself as something more -- with Video games on the back bunner

I really wanted a PS3.. and I might throw down the cash for it -- For MGS4 alone.. But this conference gave me NO confidence in the PS3 future

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#2 Teh_Solid_Snack
Member since 2008 • 625 Posts
Believe me, Sony has a lot to show, they just won't show it because... Well, they're idiots.
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#3 ownzone55
Member since 2007 • 557 Posts

Same here. I was planning to get a ps3 for its rpg's and grand turimo. Right now not too many games make me def sure. If it was 50 - 100 bucks cheaper i'd say hell yeah.

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#4 oldscratch82
Member since 2008 • 168 Posts

Yeah, its done man. I really thought it was going to be the JRPG system like the ps2 was ya know? Unless you just HAVE TO play MGS4...and dont get me wrong man its an incredible game of which probably wont be matched for a long time..its hard to describe the awesomeness of MGS4..but thats a **** load of money for one game right? There is really zero justification for buying a ps3..

I guess my best defense for my purchase is that its a blu ray player that also happens to play metal gear solid 4...

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#5 Zidaneski
Member since 2003 • 9266 Posts
Can I ask what you were really hoping for in the first place? I didn't expect anything other than the new Jak game to officially announced. Everything was just icing on the cake towardsthe great games 'm gonna get soon.
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#6 Recca168
Member since 2004 • 225 Posts
If you decide to not buy it now. Its no big deal. Sony will eventually come out with a ps3 slim. You can re-evaluate the situation then when its cheaper and more games.
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#7 ownzone55
Member since 2007 • 557 Posts
A cheap blu ray does help it
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#8 KingDridge
Member since 2008 • 321 Posts

Well I was hoping for some solid exclusives. I mean Resistance looks greast but what else did they show?

I mean they showed maybe 7 minutes of PS3. And a great list of games coming out for other consoles.

The conference just showed me that they really have nothing solid in the near future. God War 3.. awesome, but when? Next holiday system? And they STILL couldnt even give me a date for home!

Honestly.. WHAT did they show that could make me want to buy the system.. One game -- resistance

Then it was on to there multi media content which XBOX has.. and with Netflix NOW HAS BETTER .

From PS3 .. where they really showed nothing They go to 29.99 games.. and ps2 games? COME ON!!!!

Make me buy your system sony.. All I am saying is how can you spend such little time on your flagship console

at the BIGGEST videogame show of the year.. I really planned on getting a PS3 this holiday and I just cant now.. i just know it will sit there -- because they could not show me anything worth my money PAST resistance

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#9 Ospov
Member since 2007 • 3708 Posts

Did you seriously forget to mention Little Big Planet?

Shame on you...

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#10 jeremiah06
Member since 2004 • 7217 Posts

Can I ask what you were really hoping for in the first place? I didn't expect anything other than the new Jak game to officially announced. Everything was just icing on the cake towardsthe great games 'm gonna get soon.Zidaneski

True, I got what I was expecting. All I wanted to hear was GOW 3 and a new game I have yet to hear about. What can you really ask for? I'm pretty sure they got tuns of games starting development, but it takes time to make a new game and announcing: "New awesome game but it wont hit stores until 2011" is just not a good idea. Think about how impatient people are about home... weather you know it or not, the behavior of mass Sony fans really do affect how they handle these sorts of things. With all that said, there are already about 130 announced ps3 games this year, and for you to sit and tell me you want more?? I say you all must be very rich to be able afford all those games and more, and Its not even TGS yet. I've already seen all the awesome games I can afford this year.

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#11 trav_have
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PS3: MGS, Gran Turismo, Resistance2, Killzone, God of War.

That alone is enough for me to have bought the console, if I didnt at launch.

There's no way of most of those going multiplatform either because they're made by Sony.

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#12 KingDridge
Member since 2008 • 321 Posts

My main problem is that they just really didnt show anything come out in the near future?

Showed GOW but.. when?

Little Big Planet looks cool.. So does Resistance?

Besides MGS4, I really have no reason to throw down my money for this system now.

I am not sure what I was looking from them, but it was not 15 minutes of multi media content, and 7 minutes of ps3.

With more then half of the time being spent on PS2, PSP, and online service.. Like home, which.. may come out 2 years from now for all we know.

I was just looking for SOMETHING big.. that may even be coming out early end of the fiscal year

Like Resident Evil 5, March 31. Awesome.. Atleast I know an AWESOME game is coming pretty soon

Sony really didnt give me that. Honestly.. can you tell me they did? They just showed me that they have NO solid exclusives coming anytime before march... It scares me I cant spend that much money on MGS4.. and Have nothing else to look foward too

I might as well get a WII as my secondary system, and abuse the WII arcade games, and Zelda and Mario.

But from what I have heard about MGS4 its great.. But not if there isnt anything dependable without anything backing it long term.

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#13 ashunpnoy
Member since 2003 • 371 Posts
That was just a press conference. its just to tell the media/press what they're gonna be showing at e3 on the floor... they get more information on the floor. and if you watch gamespot's coverage of e3 then you would know that Home "open" Beta comes out in august. There were a few release dates stated that weren't during the press conference
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#14 jeremiah06
Member since 2004 • 7217 Posts

My main problem is that they just really didnt show anything come out in the near future?

Showed GOW but.. when?

Little Big Planet looks cool.. So does Resistance?

Besides MGS4, I really have no reason to throw down my money for this system now.

I am not sure what I was looking from them, but it was not 15 minutes of multi media content, and 7 minutes of ps3.

With more then half of the time being spent on PS2, PSP, and online service.. Like home, which.. may come out 2 years from now for all we know.

I was just looking for SOMETHING big.. that may even be coming out early end of the fiscal year

Like Resident Evil 5, March 31. Awesome.. Atleast I know an AWESOME game is coming pretty soon

Sony really didnt give me that. Honestly.. can you tell me they did? They just showed me that they have NO solid exclusives coming anytime before march... It scares me I cant spend that much money on MGS4.. and Have nothing else to look foward too

I might as well get a WII as my secondary system, and abuse the WII arcade games, and Zelda and Mario.

But from what I have heard about MGS4 its great.. But not if there isnt anything dependable without anything backing it long term.


So, basically because e3 wasn't what you expected, you don't want a ps3. Just look at the ps3 tab, there are plenty of good ps3 games coming, maybe you shouldn't get a ps3 if you TRULY don't see anything of interest.

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#15 Ospov
Member since 2007 • 3708 Posts

Like Resident Evil 5, March 31. Awesome.. Atleast I know an AWESOME game is coming pretty soon


March 13th actually. Dunno if you just got a typo there, but I remember cause it was on Friday the 13th (ooo spooky!)

As for games coming out really soon, I think you'll have to wait for a bit. However, I think you may be overlooking the games that are already out. MGS4 (like you said before) is an amazing game to say the least. GT5P is supposed to be good, but I haven't played it myself. Same with Drake's Fortune. I haven't had my PS3 for all that long so I wouldn't be the best person to ask about past titles. You might want to look at some of the older games and see if there would be enough to tide you over until the next batch of games come out.

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#16 criinok
Member since 2006 • 1478 Posts
Your loss, dude. Seriously. Go ahead and skip on the PS3, but you'll be missing a LOT of awesomness.
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#17 TenP
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I love when people say the PS3 has no exclusives, even though for the handful of "true" exclusives they've got.

Yet the 360 literally has NO worthwhile Exclusives. Mass Effect, Halo 3 and Gears of War are all on the PC (thank goodness I have a high end PC to play them all :D).

Sure FFXIII is on 360, but it's also on PS3.

Sure SCIV is on 360, but it's also on PS3.


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#18 mariokart64fan
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im really disappointed in sony , keeping ps2 as a flagship console is what they should have done, since its getting all the attention ,they teased us with what, i say 15 minutes of ps3 the rest of it was either ps2 psp or talking /braging about their so called bluray platform and that 2008 is the year of the ps3, hm i dont think so , after watching nintendos and microsofts conferences im seeing different,

nintendo is gonna take this year lets look shall we they showed us not only ds games wii games and wii accessaries ,

like wii motion plus . wii speak , the line up is awsome, gta ds alone wins nintendo ,

then we got to see call of duty 5 wii sports 2 , which comes with one of these new accesaries a snow boarding game which uses a balance board,

pokemon-which i my self care less for ,

and that mario/zelda team are working on secret game

ms comes close they had awsome games to show the beginning though was lacky, all they talked about was arcade,

banjo 3 and banjo kazooie 1 on xbla

gears 2 etc but in all this wasnt the best e3, because

1 -none of the games i was expecting was announced or shown eg fzero perfect dark 2 duke nukem on xbla marioparty 9 or not even driver 5 ,

come on now also what happened to max payne 3 ,

that was announced a yr before xbox was dead and duke nukem for ever

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#19 Bashant
Member since 2008 • 37 Posts
I enjoyed the Sony conference. Looking forward to some great games. I will be buying a PS3 in September, when the price goes down. :)
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#20 pillage05
Member since 2007 • 197 Posts
ya know people are a little too critical of sony...cause if they give out too much too fast...then people get pissed when they can't fulfill their promises....theen when they play it a little more conservative....they are labelled EPIC FAILURE and dead...and ya know.....sony knows a thing or two about video game consoles....not like anyone can even come close to making an argument that would take their title in that department away right now....now they may have had a rough time with the ps3...but....something tells me they're know exactly what they're doing right now...
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#21 WeaponX295
Member since 2008 • 102 Posts

Well I was hoping for some solid exclusives. I mean Resistance looks greast but what else did they show?

I mean they showed maybe 7 minutes of PS3. And a great list of games coming out for other consoles.

The conference just showed me that they really have nothing solid in the near future. God War 3.. awesome, but when? Next holiday system? And they STILL couldnt even give me a date for home!

Honestly.. WHAT did they show that could make me want to buy the system.. One game -- resistance

Then it was on to there multi media content which XBOX has.. and with Netflix NOW HAS BETTER .

From PS3 .. where they really showed nothing They go to 29.99 games.. and ps2 games? COME ON!!!!

Make me buy your system sony.. All I am saying is how can you spend such little time on your flagship console

at the BIGGEST videogame show of the year.. I really planned on getting a PS3 this holiday and I just cant now.. i just know it will sit there -- because they could not show me anything worth my money PAST resistance


Resistance wasn't the only game that they showed for the PS3. You also have other exclusives like Killzone 2, Infamous, Socom Confrontation, Motorstorm Pacific Rift, The Agency, God of War III, DC Universe Online.

Now I admit that some of the titles I listed are still a ways off but all of them are exclusive to the PS3 and will remain that way as they are made by internal developers unlike FFXIII

In My opinion they had an okay show, there was no really big reveal like at the Microsoft Press Conference so that was kind of a let down, and they could have shed some more light on a number of the titles I listed, but overall I'm glad I have a PS3

Oh yeah almost forgot little big planet, I really wasn't that interested in this game until recently, what they did at the conference showing their sales stats through little big planet really demonstrated what can be done with that game.

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#22 Brickz187
Member since 2007 • 994 Posts

Resistance 2.Little big Planet,Rachet & Clank PSN game,The Agency,MAG,007,COD5,DC Universe,GOW3,Vampire Rain,Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice,Infamous,Motorstorm 2,killzone 2,FF13,FF Versus,Socom,SC 4, Valkyria Chroniclesand thers more. This is one hell of a line up IMO. not all are exclusive, but the Exclusive's take over the Multis.

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#23 hilltops
Member since 2005 • 1833 Posts

This thread is a pointless rant.
This is so simple..DON'T BUY IT!!

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#24 KingDridge
Member since 2008 • 321 Posts

Its not a rant

Your not seeing my point Hilltops.

my point is that I WANT TO BUY IT

But watching the press conference now? How can I...

How can I base my purchase on ONE or two games that I have seen that interests me .. MGS4.. and Resistance(even though I never played the first, but that Huge boss looks awesome).

I think Sony having a day and a half after the Microsoft conference, and then coming out with nothing really huge, No set dates or anything, No big new games in ANY near future. Just really shows that the PS3 is now more then anything, a blu ray player -- That happens to be able to play some video games instead of a Video game console, that is also a bl ray player.

The way this conference went and the amount of time they REALLY spent on the PS3.. Just shows there focus is on Multi Media content to hopefully compete with the xbox and not really coming out with some great looking franchises. I mean.. Show me God of War 3. But give me.. FALL 09 Spring 09.. I will take that!

The PS3 .. video game wise -- Has nothing solid past Little Big Planet and Resistance. That is big... and you cant deny that

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#25 PS3videos
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#26 Nik_Hasri
Member since 2006 • 224 Posts

I dont think you should buy a ps3.

If you feel that games like MGS4, Resistance FoM, R&CF:ToD and Uncharted which are already out isnt enough to keep u busy before the release of Resistance 2(Nov 4, 2008),R&CF:Quest for Booty(Dec 31, 2008),White Knight(2008), LBP(October 2008),GT5(2008), Killzone 2(February 2009),Infamous (Q2 09), GoW3,HOME and MAG.

*note i may have forgot to mention other excusives and the games listed arent guaranteed to be great but they have shown potenial and alot of promise, they can only be judged when they are released.

and there are Multiplat games with better content on PS3(my opinion) which u get to play if you had a PS3.

then by all means dont buy a ps3.

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#27 -eitch8
Member since 2008 • 176 Posts

to those of you who agree with this guy; wow.

e3 is just a place for sony to deliver informtion. so they didnt have time to show everything because of the ps2 or psp, there is still a great number of games coming out and nothing has changed other than ff13

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#28 KingDridge
Member since 2008 • 321 Posts

Hey dont agree with me.. Fine..

Show me a solid release date Sony gave us for ANY game it had out there.

Microsoft is creating a new dashboard for the fall.

Sony.. May realease Home. In 2015.

Watch the Microsoft press conference, Release dates out the yang.

Sony( besides resistance) Has no games that have a 90% chance to be AWESOME. Like.. No matter what.. You know.. This game is going to be OFF THE HOOK.

Just not there.. Sony is not backing the PS3 as a video game system and I think its **** because.. How can you expect someone like me and others trying to decide wheather to buy a ps3 or not to actually go and buy your system when you deliver a 7 minute ps3 presentation with NO RELEASE DATES or SOLID titles... You cant!

How can it be Sonys year? When you dont even know what solid titles are coming this year?.. or even early 09?

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#29 AgentH
Member since 2004 • 4636 Posts

Just got done watching the SONY press conference(had to DVR it). I cant help but be dissapointed, I really planned on buying the PS3 as a secondary system. I now cannot help but think I should not go out and throw down the cash for the PS3. 85% of that conference was not anything to do with the PS3 and its games. I mean how can you call something the flagship console and not show something more than some great looking footage of Resistance.. thats just not enough for me. Honestly... Dont announce your 29.99 games -- and dont spend 15 minutes on your movies/music feature. It just really showed me that Sony really does not have that much set in stone. It has nothing solid for the near future and its trying to make up for it with all these multi-media content

After watching that conference, they someone managed to flop more then nintendo-- Only because Sony HAD to pull out a great show after Microsoft and they failed.

Is the ps3 even a video game console anymore? Or is it trying to push itself as something more -- with Video games on the back bunner

I really wanted a PS3.. and I might throw down the cash for it -- For MGS4 alone.. But this conference gave me NO confidence in the PS3 future


Man if you're planning to get the PS3 for MGS4, go ahead, you're not the first who did and I can guarantee you that it will be the most awesome experience! The game is pure AWESOME, unmatched and cannot be surpassed IF AND ONLY IF Kojima decides to do so. The replay value in this game is higher than the PS3 price tag! Trust me it's worth every penny!

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#30 Wezker619
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Don't forget about REGION FREE...the biggest part. Play-Asia is open to everybody who owns a ps3.
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#31 Nik_Hasri
Member since 2006 • 224 Posts

I dont think you should buy a ps3.

If you feel that games like MGS4, Resistance FoM, R&CF:ToD and Uncharted which are already out isnt enough to keep u busy before the release of Resistance 2(Nov 4, 2008),R&CF:Quest for Booty(Dec 31, 2008),White Knight(2008), LBP(October 2008),GT5(2008), Killzone 2(February 2009),Infamous (Q2 09), GoW3,HOME and MAG.

*note i may have forgot to mention other excusives and the games listed arent guaranteed to be great but they have shown potenial and alot of promise, they can only be judged when they are released.

and there are Multiplat games with better content on PS3(my opinion) which u get to play if you had a PS3.

then by all means dont buy a ps3.


Dude if u missed my post for some reason read it again. From reading you comments i can conclude that you dont want the ps3....so dont get it...end of story.

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#32 -Y2J-
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you have to remember this was a SONY conference not ps3 only. they had to talk about ps2 and psp.
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#33 NinjaMunkey01
Member since 2007 • 7485 Posts

to those of you who agree with this guy; wow.

e3 is just a place for sony to deliver informtion. so they didnt have time to show everything because of the ps2 or psp, there is still a great number of games coming out and nothing has changed other than ff13


I thought the show was very good.

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#34 Zoso-8
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I just have to ask all the 'doomsayers': What future exclusives coming to the 360 make it better than the PS3 exclusive lineup? That's what I thought. Gears 2 is on PC, Fable 2 meh, SO4 meh...and that's pretty much it. The only reason MS even had a decent E3 is because they announced a PS3 exclusive as multiplat. Seems to me like they are running out of ideas.
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#35 gusnitro
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All i can say is that your missing a hole lot.you just got to give it a change dude!I kind of understand how you said that they were talking more about features rather than games.But, what the hell. features are tight and the upcoming games are gonna be sick.

CMON! did you forget about gow3??!

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#36 C_BozkurT_C
Member since 2008 • 3580 Posts

Just got done watching the SONY press conference(had to DVR it). I cant help but be dissapointed, I really planned on buying the PS3 as a secondary system. I now cannot help but think I should not go out and throw down the cash for the PS3. 85% of that conference was not anything to do with the PS3 and its games. I mean how can you call something the flagship console and not show something more than some great looking footage of Resistance.. thats just not enough for me. Honestly... Dont announce your 29.99 games -- and dont spend 15 minutes on your movies/music feature. It just really showed me that Sony really does not have that much set in stone. It has nothing solid for the near future and its trying to make up for it with all these multi-media content

After watching that conference, they someone managed to flop more then nintendo-- Only because Sony HAD to pull out a great show after Microsoft and they failed.

Is the ps3 even a video game console anymore? Or is it trying to push itself as something more -- with Video games on the back bunner

I really wanted a PS3.. and I might throw down the cash for it -- For MGS4 alone.. But this conference gave me NO confidence in the PS3 future

if you were really sincere about buying a PS3, you would have bought one a long time ago.
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#37 hilltops
Member since 2005 • 1833 Posts

have you played uncharted: drakes fortune?

have you played bioshock for 360,
if not it will soon be on ps3 with
exclusive content and better graphics etc.

i honestly dont care..if there is 2 games or
what ever you are aware of do some research..
infamous..looks freaking sweet :S

I just have to ask all the 'doomsayers': What future exclusives coming to the 360 make it better than the PS3 exclusive lineup? That's what I thought. Gears 2 is on PC, Fable 2 meh, SO4 meh...and that's pretty much it. The only reason MS even had a decent E3 is because they announced a PS3 exclusive as multiplat. Seems to me like they are running out of ideas.Zoso-8

and multiplat big deal..like seriously
maybe if they stole the exclusive itself
but that simply isnt the case..

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#38 ejstrup
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My main problem is that they just really didnt show anything come out in the near future?

Showed GOW but.. when?

Little Big Planet looks cool.. So does Resistance?

Besides MGS4, I really have no reason to throw down my money for this system now.

I am not sure what I was looking from them, but it was not 15 minutes of multi media content, and 7 minutes of ps3.

With more then half of the time being spent on PS2, PSP, and online service.. Like home, which.. may come out 2 years from now for all we know.

I was just looking for SOMETHING big.. that may even be coming out early end of the fiscal year

Like Resident Evil 5, March 31. Awesome.. Atleast I know an AWESOME game is coming pretty soon

Sony really didnt give me that. Honestly.. can you tell me they did? They just showed me that they have NO solid exclusives coming anytime before march... It scares me I cant spend that much money on MGS4.. and Have nothing else to look foward too

I might as well get a WII as my secondary system, and abuse the WII arcade games, and Zelda and Mario.

But from what I have heard about MGS4 its great.. But not if there isnt anything dependable without anything backing it long term.


No solid exclusives? Resistance 2, Motorstorm 2, LittleBigPlanet?

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#39 big_boss4life
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I feel you TC, i m selling my ps3 after r2. Ps3 has nothing to get anyone excited besides R2
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#40 Nik_Hasri
Member since 2006 • 224 Posts

I feel you TC, i m selling my ps3 after r2. Ps3 has nothing to get anyone excited besides R2big_boss4life

speak for yourself....im excited....

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#41 ejstrup
Member since 2005 • 2192 Posts

I feel you TC, i m selling my ps3 after r2. Ps3 has nothing to get anyone excited besides R2big_boss4life

Motorstorm 2, White Knight Stories, Infamous, MAG, LBP, Uncharted 2, FFXIII Versus, Killzone 2, Ratchet & Clank. Yeah, you're right, nothing at all :roll:

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#42 GranReyUno
Member since 2007 • 1542 Posts

I can see that someone didn't do enough research on something that they about to drop big bucks on. Ok E3 was not that great for Sony, agreed but it was what every "in the know how" PS3 owner expected. Hell the movie download service was a plus to me. Sony has a nice line up of games coming out this year and 09 and I felt that their were titles that didn't really needed mentioning. Plus I don't see that many more 36o exclusive that is coming out in the next 6 months compared to PS3. Wait did MS only talked about two exclusive titles with the rest being multi plat?

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#43 jackc1990
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Can anyone say, MAG?
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#44 justo11
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Everyone seems to be missing the point with it...

The conference was exactly like it needed to be. It showed us in the beginning that sony were getting developer support and that we can be confident in there product. They then showed us a rundown of the best exclusives coming this year, which already have a lot of hype about and did not need much more. If you were already excited about what you saw then they gave enough to keep you keen, and if you hadnt heard much about them you would be a little intreagued. Then they spent a lot of time talking about there plans with playstation beyond games. Its these featres which show sony are committed to their product. I cant see why this is a bad thing!!!!???

They finished with a couple of big announcements, God of War 3 and MAG. I have never played a GOW game but apparently they are good, but how can you not be excited about a 256 player game? When 60 player online was announced for resistance 2 everyone thought it was fantastic? i just dont get why you guys are so disappointed....

I for one am stoked about the offerings they are bringing to the system and couldnt be happier with what was announced!

PS Kudos to Sony for not bashing the other systems like microsoft did.... but i guess they know they dont have to brainwash people for them to be liked!!! ;)

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#45 AgentH
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Can anyone say, MAG?jackc1990


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#46 itwiz90
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I don't know sounds like a GlitchBox user to me.
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#47 Omega_tx
Member since 2008 • 83 Posts
its sad how quickly we forget and how we always have to have the best and have it now remember sony has always been slow out the gate but the ps2 ended up being one of the best systems just be patient i want the good stuff too but im content to wait if that means it'll be right if ur losing faith in the system i suggest holding on
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Member since 2008 • 2562 Posts
You can't go wrong with the PS3
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#49 the_new_neo
Member since 2006 • 1030 Posts
Man I skipped the second page but all I'm hearing from TC is really long comments that say: waaaaaaaah! PS3 only has Resistance! Waaaaaah! I was totally going to buy it (I mean it I'm not a troll) but now I'm not because it only has resistance... oh crap my 360 is RRoDing!!!!
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#50 Tlahui
Member since 2005 • 1552 Posts

Believe me, Sony has a lot to show, they just won't show it because... Well, they're idiots.Teh_Solid_Snack

yeah man, they just showed a breif amount of things like Infamous, motorstorm 2, LBP, Killzone 2 and all the great multiplat games. But on the post show conferences they are showing a lot of great titles and gameplay.