Just got done watching the SONY press conference(had to DVR it). I cant help but be dissapointed, I really planned on buying the PS3 as a secondary system. I now cannot help but think I should not go out and throw down the cash for the PS3. 85% of that conference was not anything to do with the PS3 and its games. I mean how can you call something the flagship console and not show something more than some great looking footage of Resistance.. thats just not enough for me. Honestly... Dont announce your 29.99 games -- and dont spend 15 minutes on your movies/music feature. It just really showed me that Sony really does not have that much set in stone. It has nothing solid for the near future and its trying to make up for it with all these multi-media content
After watching that conference, they someone managed to flop more then nintendo-- Only because Sony HAD to pull out a great show after Microsoft and they failed.
Is the ps3 even a video game console anymore? Or is it trying to push itself as something more -- with Video games on the back bunner
I really wanted a PS3.. and I might throw down the cash for it -- For MGS4 alone.. But this conference gave me NO confidence in the PS3 future
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