If you won't buy a Sony console after E3, what will you buy? Nintendo's conference was laughable, Microsoft's was barely average except for the bomb they dropped at the end, and let's not forget... they are celebrating a multiplat. They are celebrating the fact that they get it too, it's not as if they won something or stole exclusive content from PS3. They ALSO get a multiplat and act like "OMFG WARZ OVRE NOW TEH JAPANEZE WILL BUY A TREE60!!" It is sucky news, but if all MS has to gloat about is ALSO getting one of our great games, you know they don't have much. Fable is going to underwhelm, and quote me on this, Too Human will be a bigger flop than Lair.
Between the Resistance 2 footage, which looked amazing, the LBP sales charts, the DC Universe game, all of the new PSN titles like PixelJunk Eden, Flower, Ragdoll Kung Fu, the GOW III official announcement, the unveiling of MAG, the biggest online shooter in development, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift which looks terrific, as well as a ton of short clips of things like SOCOM, Fallout 3, The Force Unleashed, GTTV, Quantum of Solace, inFamous, Ratchet and Clank expansion pack, Ghostbusters, Call of Duty 5, seeing how Home lobbies work (awesome), movie rentals available the same day as the announcement, and everything else they showed, I almost had a panic attack. Add to that the things they didn't show, like Twisted Metal, Heavy Rain, the Ico game etc. and I don't understand how you can feel underwhelmed. I think their press conference was bar none the best. MS still has the biggest news, but only because people can't keep things in perspective. They ALSO got a PS3 game, and everyone is wetting their pants. It's one of the biggest, but it's not like they took it from PS3 owners. We still get it, and apparently we also get VS which was looking kind of interesting anyway.
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