I was going to buy a ps3.. Nowwww not so much

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#51 mazing87
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Why does he have to be a glitchbox user? I too was disappointed in the conference, does that make me a glitchbox user? I don't think so. Get over yourself. I never thought of getting a 360 even though I admit they have a good amount of games. I have no plans on getting it.

The guy clearly doesn't feel confident about getting a PS3 because of the conference. So what. I'm not really trying to defend him but I can understand where he is coming from.The Sony conference didn't have the "umph" factor I was hoping for. MAG looks cool but just because it will throw in over 200+ users in one large map, doesn't automatically mean it's going to be the greatest game ever. The MS conference packed a punch, a low blow when it was revealed that one of PS greatest franchises, will now be released for their console. I call that impact.

I don't know sounds like a GlitchBox user to me.


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#52 emitsu97
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It was the Sony Conference, not the PS3 Conference, or the HOME Conference, or the RPG Conference. On top of that, the conferences aren't aimed at consumers.
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#53 Shaqneel
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It wasn't a perfect conference, but certainly they showed a lot more exclusive games and content than microsoft or nintendo did. This holiday season, they have more exclusives coming than either of those two platforms. Now if nothing you saw interested you at all, then yeah it's not worth it, but really they did show a ton of content particularly for hardcore audiences as opposed to MS and nintendo who both spent a lot of time on casual games and soccer moms. If it's rpgs you're looking for, then TGS is where you'll find news on them really.Sony probably has several more announcments up their sleeve, we'll just have to wait and see.
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#54 excelR83
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If you won't buy a Sony console after E3, what will you buy? Nintendo's conference was laughable, Microsoft's was barely average except for the bomb they dropped at the end, and let's not forget... they are celebrating a multiplat. They are celebrating the fact that they get it too, it's not as if they won something or stole exclusive content from PS3. They ALSO get a multiplat and act like "OMFG WARZ OVRE NOW TEH JAPANEZE WILL BUY A TREE60!!" It is sucky news, but if all MS has to gloat about is ALSO getting one of our great games, you know they don't have much. Fable is going to underwhelm, and quote me on this, Too Human will be a bigger flop than Lair.

Between the Resistance 2 footage, which looked amazing, the LBP sales charts, the DC Universe game, all of the new PSN titles like PixelJunk Eden, Flower, Ragdoll Kung Fu, the GOW III official announcement, the unveiling of MAG, the biggest online shooter in development, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift which looks terrific, as well as a ton of short clips of things like SOCOM, Fallout 3, The Force Unleashed, GTTV, Quantum of Solace, inFamous, Ratchet and Clank expansion pack, Ghostbusters, Call of Duty 5, seeing how Home lobbies work (awesome), movie rentals available the same day as the announcement, and everything else they showed, I almost had a panic attack. Add to that the things they didn't show, like Twisted Metal, Heavy Rain, the Ico game etc. and I don't understand how you can feel underwhelmed. I think their press conference was bar none the best. MS still has the biggest news, but only because people can't keep things in perspective. They ALSO got a PS3 game, and everyone is wetting their pants. It's one of the biggest, but it's not like they took it from PS3 owners. We still get it, and apparently we also get VS which was looking kind of interesting anyway.

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what no games....they showed more games than Microsoft... everyone know Sony had the BEST conference of all... Yahoo, IGN and everyone that i know thinks sony had the best conference...

You are just a fanboy not a gamer, go back to MS but hole you noob.

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#56 cochisewarrior
Member since 2006 • 676 Posts

if ur not going to buy it, then dont buy it. geez why make a topic on telling everyone your not going to buy a PS3, on the PS3 forum board. you shoul've jsut put it in your blog

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#57 thadude85
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The negative reactions are by near-sited people who are succeptible to knee-jerk reactions. probably the same people that said "oh the ps3 is dead" when the launch wasnt the greatest in the world (but truly not bad when compared to other consoles). People just cant see past there noses anymore and instant gratification has blinded them. Tell me, how were any of the other companys conferences any better? sure there was the ff13 announcement but that game wont come out for another year and a half. people need to learn how to look at the big picture.

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#58 Kruegmeister
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Personally I own all 3 Console Systems. The Wii is Great for Parties, but I like the Flashy Graphics and First Person Shooters myself. I fell out of Love with my 360 due to Red Ring of Death Problems, Disc Read Problems, and Controllers breaking. I find my PS3 to be my Favorite. The PSN is Free so I can have an ID for all 4 Members of my Family. ($200/yr if I tried that on XBox Live) Their are Plenty of Good games for it now. The PSN features are Finally surpassing what I hoped for. Don't let their inability to hold a conference sway you one way or another. I thought the Microsoft Conference was bad too. It seemed so Microsoft at points with all their Graphs. None of their Graphs showed that out of the 15 million 360 owners, 3 million are probably replacement consoles. I actually know several people who simply got tired of sending their console in for repair and bought a new one. Rewarding Microsoft with another Console Purchase is something I cannot do. Anyways what I am saying is personally I am happiest with my PS3. The PC is my Second Favorite The Wii is my Third Favorite. and my Poor 360 which I got at Launch is dead last. No Conference can fix that.
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#59 Maverick128
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The PS3 .. video game wise -- Has nothing solid past Little Big Planet and Resistance. That is big... and you cant deny that


Really? Wow. I actually thought it had a better line-up than either of the other two consoles. With awesome games like Uncharted, MGS4, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, Warhawk, and MLB The Show already out and games like Resistance 2, God of War 3, Killzone 2, MAG, DC Universe Online, Little Big Planet, Infamous, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty on the way, I think the PS3 is THE best place to get your gaming. Not to mention all the other features you get with the PS3 (Blu-Ray, etc.). The Wii may be a good secondary system but I don't see a need for anything other than the PS3 for a primary system.

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#60 Mcortijo01
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Just got done watching the SONY press conference(had to DVR it). I cant help but be dissapointed, I really planned on buying the PS3 as a secondary system. I now cannot help but think I should not go out and throw down the cash for the PS3. 85% of that conference was not anything to do with the PS3 and its games. I mean how can you call something the flagship console and not show something more than some great looking footage of Resistance.. thats just not enough for me. Honestly... Dont announce your 29.99 games -- and dont spend 15 minutes on your movies/music feature. It just really showed me that Sony really does not have that much set in stone. It has nothing solid for the near future and its trying to make up for it with all these multi-media content

After watching that conference, they someone managed to flop more then nintendo-- Only because Sony HAD to pull out a great show after Microsoft and they failed.

Is the ps3 even a video game console anymore? Or is it trying to push itself as something more -- with Video games on the back bunner

I really wanted a PS3.. and I might throw down the cash for it -- For MGS4 alone.. But this conference gave me NO confidence in the PS3 future

So don't buy it then!
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omg dont djuj the PS3 without having it plz, I have a PS3 and a xbox now after I saw waht's going to be on the PS3 I started only using it, maybe gears 2 for 360 and I hope it wouldnt break down ;) but PS3 has almost every thing now... ud have god od war 3 , some exclusive stuff on bioshock , they talked about alot more games witch I dont remember , ud have final fantacy 13 exlusive, and **** it i dont remember, killzone 2 witch looks AWSUME for me at least.... just get 1 u see 400$ 80 GIG ....
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#62 brando_09
Member since 2007 • 151 Posts
Wow you clearly don't want a PS3. Just don't buy it and go play your 360. And you keep dissing the Sony keynote just becuse it didnt hav any solid release dates? Like wtf, ther coming out no matter whut... hav sum patience. You say thers no exclusives other than R2 and LBP, thats BS and its still more than the 360 has to offer. The Microsoft keynote SUCKED, other than the FF13 announcment they had nothing. I'll giv it Gears 2 tho, thats it. And 2009? Whuts Microsoft offering? Anything? Atleast Sony has games worth mentioning for '09.
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#63 emitsu97
Member since 2003 • 10720 Posts
Well I have news for you TC...I was planning on buying Subway for lunch. So HA!