Sony has some ground to make up to the 360's year long head start, but from July on, there should be a steady flow of titles to make PS3 really come into its own. There was a thread just like this a while ago, so I'm gonna copy an earlier post of upcoming titles:
heavenly sword, lair, ninja gaiden sigma, killzone 2, socom 4, ratchet and clank, MGS4, ff xiii, ff xiii versus, gran turismo, uncharted:drakes fortune, twisted metal, l.a. noire, the getaway, eight days, little big planet, jak 4, white knight, redwood, calling all cars, tekken 6, hot shot golf 5, coded arms, time crisis 4, god of war, kingdom hearts 3, and the next team ico game (makers of ico, shadow of the colossus)
Granted, some of those may not end up being Sony exclusive, but Sony is always coming out with original titles that become system-sellers. $600 may seem like a lot of money, but you get a lot for your money, including a Blu-Ray player and built-in wifi. Also, free online and rechargeable batteries standard in controllers will save you money in the long-term.
If you're still skeptical, you may want to wait until the holidays to see what surprises are in store, but if you're a fan of more than shooters and western RPGs, then PS3 is definitely worth checking out. I really expect the PS3 to hit its stride this holiday season, and I seriously doubt that you will be disappointed with a PS3 in the long run.Â
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