Ok, i just came into some money (traded my wow acount for some moooola), any way i know ps3's are really hard to come but why do no websites have the price even listed, i have tride futureshop.ca, walmart.ca, bestbuy.ca, all have the system and a nice little flash show about it but none show the prices!, plz if you can find a retailer website for canada that shows the prices for the 2 differnt models i would be super duper happy, :-D
Acid, those were just the promo pages you were looking at- browse through the listings on the left in "Gaming and Toys" to find the actual sale pages.
Those prices given above are the suggested retail price- FutureShop, however, has added an extra $50 to it. They are selling the 60 GB for $699 Canadian, as are Wal- Mart canada and Toys R US in Canada. That being the case you may want to try looking in a local Zellers or EB/ Gamestop- I don't think they have hiked the prices up yet.
Is not much of a difference. Might as well save up abit more and get the 60g version. I know the HDD is upgradable but at least when you get the 60g version you don't have to worry about the memory storage that early.
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