Beaten the game twice, gotten the platinum trophy and I have to say it's a master piece. Amazing, amazing game.
The graphics are a huge improvement from the first one, the gameplay is as parkour and fast as it has ever been, the new powers are freaking awesome. The good story has a very satisfying end, and the bad one makes you feel like crap at the end. Overall, I got it last week and I have been playing it non-stop until I got my platinum, and it has been one hell of an experience.
The review does the game little justice, many of the issues they mentioned are minor and I noticed only of them as I was playing. The only real issue I had is that the evil choices make no justification as to why you wanna choose them; you choose the evil decisions just to be evil. Unlike the first game there's no real motivation to choose to play as a bad Col.
Completely agree with this.
I platinumed it too and it's amazing. Really improves upon the first game in almost every way. Gamespot's reviewer's complaints surprised me when I played it because...
a) I never had a problem with close-quarter combat,
b) the camera never bothered me,
c) the morality system is just as good (at the end of each mission, there's a tally taken for how many enemies/civilians were harmed; if you harm more civilians than enemies then you receive negative karma), and
d) that black-and-white screen is not as bothersome as he put it since you can still see everything on screen and there's usually an abundance of energy around to remedy this problem.
It's an amazing, amazing game and should be given at least a rent. My only complaints were how they removed Cole's ability to recharge energy and health by riding the power lines/rail-road tracks, less comic book cutscenes (note: less, not no), and there's no way to locate dead drops in this game without searching in random places to find them (granted they're not hard too find).
Give it a shot. If you liked the first, you'll love this one.
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