No it took a seat back ever since 2016 I'd say. Still an awesome console though and I'm thinking of hooking it back eventually, I just wish the interface wasn't that slow and crappy.
No it took a seat back ever since 2016 I'd say. Still an awesome console though and I'm thinking of hooking it back eventually, I just wish the interface wasn't that slow and crappy.
@marble201: I would play ps3 but the PSN is so crap its not worth playing any playstation anymore since you have to pay for their incredibly crap service that is down all the time, going to switch to xbox.
I still play the ps3.. In fact I just went out and got a 2nd slim used for $60. Media giant!! 1 in the living room and 1 upstairs in the bedroom. Use it for netflix, blue rays, spotify mostly. Im a casual sports gamer anymore these days so just need a quick game or 2 time to time to get my fix. I also use the vita for some indie games, sly cooper, ratchet and clank, and raymond games.
I know the ps4 sports games should only get better the next couple years so Im being patient. I do want the crash bandicoot trilogy game and the vita might be good for remote play. Ill prob get a ps4 at the end of this year. But I do like my ps3. Still working on my Tiger woods 11 career lol.
I bought my ps3 in 2010. I was well done with my ps2 by that time. There was a big difference from standard to high def. Obviously the ps4 is better but I havent been blown away like I was when the ps3 came out!
I haven't played mine much since I got the PS4 but I was feeling like replaying GTA4 and the Metal Gear games so I'll probably dust it off at some point. I was planning on playing Rock Band 3 in pro mode, once I get my electronic drums as well, because there's an adapter you can get, which lets you connect real drum sets and guitars.
I have a backlog on the PS3 which I'm meaning to get through but I also have a tonne to play on the PS4. Woe is me
At least I am not in the same boat alone. NOT enough time in the day. :(
From left to right in my entertainment room... PS3, Switch, PS4. I have so many games that I still love to play on my PS3, plus the PS1 compatibility so I can play some old games if I want.
Yep. Still play on it as much as I can. I don't have a massive game collection, but I do have a lot of my favorite ps1/ps2 games downloaded on mine.
My roommate is Still rockin' the PS2 from 2003 ... His game of choice is Madden 10. He sure does love simulating and watching his Bengles play
.. he is currently on his 10th season, playing in 2020. He is a gamer of simple tastes :-P
I sold a lot of my Ps3 games and also gave most of them to my brother. I still play it from time to time, but not as much as the Switch/Ps4.
Ps3 has so many games that you can can go back to again and again, and I don’t think there’s a massive difference between it and the PS4 for gameplay. Still on trend!
Yes I've recently played demon souls and still have uncharted 2 and 3 and God of war 3 to play. I had the PS3 late as I was on 360 last gen.
I also still use it as streaming device for YouTube and Netflix it is a really well made system.
I use my PS3 all the time. And the games for it are really cheap and a better alternative to paying full price for the remasters on PS4. Why would you pay $20+ to play the last of us? I paid $5 for it lol
i find it funny as hell when people bitch about the network going down when it does also happen on xbox as well. i don't use that normally in either case though, but i just played my PS3 about a week or two ago when i bought the PS3 games of God of War. i have the PSN remastered and the last one Acension or however ya spell it? so i was playing that as well. after i had to update it though
I love my PS3. There are some games I'd love to play but can't as they're only available on PS4, namely Red Dead Redemption, but I don't think one game is worth buying it for.
yes I still have my Playstation 3 to play my Playstation 3 games. I dont have a Playstation 4 anyway
Yes. I bought a system on Craigslist with about 50 games a few years ago and have been playing through a massive backlog of great games. I see no reason to jump on a new console when you can have the entire library of top games at your fingers for pennies on the dollars a few years down the line.
I reactivated my gamespot account just to comment, because the curiosity struck me this morning and I began to search.
My PSN is knoencowo
Look me up!
I have a PS4 but I didn't get it until later in the game, around the end of 2016. I have about 20 games on there that I play multiplayer with friends on.
I have 3 PS3's lol. I have about 60 games for them so i'm not planning to get rid of them anytime soon.
I occasionally use the 250gb one about once or twice a week?
I use it for games that either aren't available on PS4 but I enjoy playing still like Mass Effect 3 and God of war Ascension
Or games that are already available for PS4 but I already have the PS3 version like Shadow of the Colossus remastered, and Little big planet 3, Various Assassins Creeds, I got those for PS3 a little bit before I decided to get a PS4 so I didn't see a point it getting them again. Especially when the online communities like little big planet 1,2 and 3 are all connected. But if you only have lbp 1 then you can't access content on lbp 2 or 3 but if you have 3 then you can communicate to players on 2 or 1 and play their levels etc.
I also hated the fact that for PS4 you have to pay to play. You're really just paying for better graphics.
Like I have it for PS3 so why would I get it for 4 which means i'd have to pay?
Although it doesn't matter now because I pay for 4 now anyways.
Or if I have an online game for PS3 and the multiplayer is feeling a little too stale? I might get the remastered version for PS4 just for a better quality multiplayer experience. Burnout paradise is looking good, I might get the remastered version for PS4.
I usually only spend 50-60$ on a new game if its multiplayer just to have that fresh experience.
Anything else I wait until it is dirt cheap, because whether it costs 60$ or 5$ the gameplay is going to be exactly the same.
Yep. Still playing mine. Didn't get a PS4 until last November. And I'm wondering whether I needed to get it at all, with the backlog of games I got.
I still do, it has such a solid game collection. I mainly play a lot of couch co op games on there such as kane and lynch, borderlands, army of two series, blur, twisted metal, resistance, fear series. I restarted max payne 3 for my second playthrough, thats a really solid third person shooter if ya hadnt picked it up :)
I have been using my PS3 to play games I bought but didn't get to because of work, I just have to really get myself to play Rocksmith again someday.
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