online gets boring trust me
Well, that's a matter of perspective I think, really.
On-Topic - I think that too much is made over the 24 player cap for consoles. As with any group, the more capacity you have for people, the greater the percentage-chance that a number of them are ****s. As long as things like vehicle availability and basic hot-spots are available in a given console map, then there's no reason to cry foul or avoid it - And if you don't have a PC that's beast enough to run it reeeeaaally well, then console might be your only alternative... And to that end, I wouldn't avoid the game simply on the grounds of "smaller" maps or "less" activity per match.
Now that people have begun to make studies of hot-spots and activity on a given map, I'm amazed at the lack of used space even in a CoD game (sorry to brig up the other franchise in this thread). There are great open patches of land that go predominantly un-used on any given game map. So in a sense, the player cap is giving the go-ahead for trimming of the fat. Not that a sniper couldn't do with a few extra hundred yards, or a pilot use every last bit of airspace... But you see what I'm sayin'?
If this kind of thing (Cap'n'Hold gameplay) is your thing, then it's hard to argue with so many people having a good time on the game, and the support it will no-doubt recieve over the next few years.
I would say if you like this, buy this.
And I ain't even a player.
But, y'know, Party On.
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