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This game got kind of stupid with time. My brother and I played it and the closer we got to the end, the more exciting I got to finish it. I'd rather play Phantasy Star Online to get my loot on.
Amazing game, I've played it with family, friends, and alone a couple times and I really loved it. I'm still playing it (have a LVL 50, 14, and 7) and it just doesn't get boring for me because of the amount of loot you can find. Aside from that, they are still coming out with DLC that adds more to do everytime; each with replayability too.
Hope that helped out a bit.
Make sure you have at least one other person to play with.GrandJury
Agreed, if you dont its basically like playing an MMORPG with no one else populating the world.
I beat it playing alone but I had to push myself to finish it awhile into the game. Then a friend I knew got it and the game was a ton better playing with him.
It's one of my new favorite games that have come out in the past several years. It's a blast to play with some of your friends and just act stupid while you play it. Me and my little brother like to find all the little glitches in the game. I've put in a ton of hours into the game and I could still play it without getting bored.
Downs: modders, glitchy as hell, unplayable online (for some people, not all. Gearbox has YET to fix that. Just be careful, you might be one of them.), somewhat boring single player.
Ups: ridiculous fun in multiplayer, lots of looting and farming, decent amount of sidequests, new game +.
Its won of the best games ive played with others but play by your self gets lonely and the quest thing is hard to get aboard but truly a great game
theres 2 DLC and a third one coming. game is fun, has framerate issues, but its playable. story isnt really that awesome, but playin co-op together is the pure fun. u can play up to 4 players, whether ur friends or random ppl online. u can battle each other. or go to a arena and face one another. or go through the game ( story wise) with them. this game is good and ull have fun, theres tons of weapons. over 5mill or somethinJoKeR_421
i really really really! want this game! and my dad said maybe so YAY!!! considering that i am 15 now its a relief to get good games! but still i only buy games that i like and know i will be happy with. so what are the ups and downs of borderlands and its DLCs? thanks in advance! layzerboy4i hated the game, the art style is horrible, and i hated the way the guns shoot... IMO
I thought it was great. I got the plat for it in about a week. Its really fun but once you beat it the multiplayer really changes little. I enjoyed playing with others but after a few games it was nothing new and just plain annoying if you played with someone that was just jerking off or no idea what they are doing.
When you beat the game you will be about level 36. After you go through the game again with harder enemies and better loot but nothing new. I only did a second playtrough just to get the final trophy for hitting level 50. Ive yet to play it since the moment i got the plat.
For the most part i really enjoyed the game and recommend it to anyone that likes MMO style FPS with decent leveling aspects.
Downs: modders, glitchy as hell, unplayable online (for some people, not all. Gearbox has YET to fix that. Just be careful, you might be one of them.), somewhat boring single player.
Ups: ridiculous fun in multiplayer, lots of looting and farming, decent amount of sidequests, new game +.
I don't know about you, but really the only time I found glitches was when I was intentionally looking for them. I thought it was fun looking for glitches, but that might just be me. Modders can be fun for like 5 minutes, but when you're seriously trying to play the game it lags like hell. Plus they steal all the kills. The online does have it's quirks, but I've found it pretty stable overall. That could be completely different for other people though.
I agree with all the ups too :) and it might be prudent to rent the game or borrow it from a friend just to double check that you can play online. It's nowhere near as fun playing it as a single player game. It has splitscreen, but you can only have 2 people on a PS3 and you can't connect with anybody else online.
Downs: modders, glitchy as hell, unplayable online (for some people, not all. Gearbox has YET to fix that. Just be careful, you might be one of them.), somewhat boring single player.
Ups: ridiculous fun in multiplayer, lots of looting and farming, decent amount of sidequests, new game +.
I don't know about you, but really the only time I found glitches was when I was intentionally looking for them. I thought it was fun looking for glitches, but that might just be me. Modders can be fun for like 5 minutes, but when you're seriously trying to play the game it lags like hell. Plus they steal all the kills. The online does have it's quirks, but I've found it pretty stable overall. That could be completely different for other people though.
I agree with all the ups too :) and it might be prudent to rent the game or borrow it from a friend just to double check that you can play online. It's nowhere near as fun playing it as a single player game. It has splitscreen, but you can only have 2 people on a PS3 and you can't connect with anybody else online.
lol, Well there's the whole thing where sometimes my friend won't get a backpack SDU even though he hasn't done that certain claptrap mission before, then there's the times where my mic won't work and we have to load out to a different area in order for him to hear me, oh and also how my friends list in the game shows people that I deleted 2 years ago and that I can't play with certain other people because they don't show up. I also can't join any of my friend's games unless they host a public one. EDIT: There's also this new visual glitch that I noticed happening since I got the two DLCs. The sky will turn white and then colors and stuff will flash all over the place and I end up having to stare at the ground until it's over for fear of having a seizure, lol. I'm not the only one it's happened to, either.
But don't let me scare you TC, certain problems plague certain people. I'm just one in a handful of people who still have problems with the friends list in the game and I hear Gearbox is still trying to fix that, as well as the gun modding people have been doing. A patch might come with the new Knox DLC soon.
Even with all the bugs my game has and how broken it is, it's still hours and hours of fun once I can settle myself into a game with a friend.
It's good for 6 hours or so, then it just gets insanely repetitive and boring.
I have to agree, but it did not begin to wear on me until about 10 hours through or so. At which point it simply turned into BORED-erlands. It is still a fun game in small doses, though. It just fell a bit short of what I had hoped overall.
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