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No game deserves a 10 because all of them have problems. How Gta4 and MGS4 got 10's and there online is terrible I would leave for you guys to decide. Like I said no game is perfect they all have problems but the great ones have smaler problems.theMarshell
if perfection was taken that literally, the idea itself would not exist.
What's funny is that if you would have posted this right after it came out you would have gotten alot of support for the 10 score. I had even posted something about it not being a 10 game and got flamed to high heaven.
More on topic though it is a good game, not a 10 but a good game. I would probably rent it first. It's one of the few games that I've purchased but never finished.
It deserves a 10. For guys who state that Its not better than this or better than that game....c'mon...they dont rate the games VS. each other. The way I rate games is what It has IN the game, and GTA 4 is a soild game.IIJuggaNottIISolid game yes but I believe I have the right to compare GTA 4 to other games especially to past GTA games like I did. I don't think it deserved a 10.
[QUOTE="IIJuggaNottII"]It deserves a 10. For guys who state that Its not better than this or better than that game....c'mon...they dont rate the games VS. each other. The way I rate games is what It has IN the game, and GTA 4 is a soild game.Duckman5Solid game yes but I believe I have the right to compare GTA 4 to other games especially to past GTA games like I did. I don't think it deserved a 10.
I wouldnt say that you couldnt rate it vs. other games....but if your going to be fair, how can you sit down and mark off points because its doesnt have this like __________ game. Or if it doesnt have _________ like ________ game. I mean, thats just not how I rate the games. Personally I loved Vice City over all of the other GTA games..for my own personal reasons. But how can GTA 4 not be better than those other GTA games....its better in almost EVERY aspect. Better Graphics, It has Online, the things that you can do with it compaired to other games is crazy. Like you stated though, you have that right to believe whatever you want. I just dont see it.
Solid game yes but I believe I have the right to compare GTA 4 to other games especially to past GTA games like I did. I don't think it deserved a 10.[QUOTE="Duckman5"][QUOTE="IIJuggaNottII"]It deserves a 10. For guys who state that Its not better than this or better than that game....c'mon...they dont rate the games VS. each other. The way I rate games is what It has IN the game, and GTA 4 is a soild game.IIJuggaNottII
I wouldnt say that you couldnt rate it vs. other games....but if your going to be fair, how can you sit down and mark off points because its doesnt have this like __________ game. Or if it doesnt have _________ like ________ game. I mean, thats just not how I rate the games. Personally I loved Vice City over all of the other GTA games..for my own personal reasons. But how can GTA 4 not be better than those other GTA games....its better in almost EVERY aspect. Better Graphics, It has Online, the things that you can do with it compaired to other games is crazy. Like you stated though, you have that right to believe whatever you want. I just dont see it.
I liked San Andreas because it was large and involved so many aspects of criminal life. It had so much variety. One moment you could be burning a "Drug" field while another you could be stealing arms off a train while your car follows behind. I loved that and GTA 4 feels like it has less variety in missions and in landscape. Most of the missions are either escort missions or simple assassinations. Of course you could argue that Niko is a hitman for hire by nature but then I bring up the point that maybe he shouldn't have been designed as just a hitman for hire then. It doesn't seem like fun to me when I have to grind the same missions over and over again. Everything in GTA 4 looks like a city (Yeah I know it IS a city but everything is so same-y) and I liked how in SA there were deserts, cities, ghettos, Las Vegas, and forests. Honestly I feel like GTA 4 is a step back in the series. Sure it has better graphics and sound but all that does not equate to it being more fun or more enjoyable, at least to me anyway.Is GTA4 worth a 10? The answer is no. Here's why.
I have played the other GTA eversince 3 came out. GTA 3 was new, it was HOT, it was innovative, it was provocative.
Then came Vice City; Cool music, retro style, motorcycles, new cars, new city, better Graphics
Then San Andreas. Great graphics. Once again, great story. So much variety. Large different maps. Many different mission. So much replay value. You can actually control gangs, do stunts, swim, and fly an AV 88. I mean, I have a jet pack and my taxi bumps in the air when I honk.
Now GTA4 comes out. We can all agree the graphics are superb and the gameplay is amazing. City is well designed, animations are superb. But the game is so boring. There is no variety. No artistic value. It fails to deliver a new feeling. It brings absolutely nothing new to the serie and that is why it does not deserve a 10. I mean, you can't even parachute and fly planes like you could in San Andreas, and that is the inverse of progress to me. Besides the music sucks. This games makes me feel absolutely nothing. I give it a fair 8. A game is not only about graphics, and maybe when people realize that, there will be better games on the market. My brain needs superior entertainment or else it gets bored.
No game deserves a 10 because all of them have problems. How Gta4 and MGS4 got 10's and there online is terrible I would leave for you guys to decide. Like I said no game is perfect they all have problems but the great ones have smaler problems.theMarshella 10 does not mean its perfect
This game does not deserve a 10, it gets boring and monotone, all you do is run over people and kill them with weapons (and some people criticizeFar Cry 2 when GTA IV is just the same ¬_¬)
GTA SA was better (with the exception of the graphics and sound quality)
I don´t think its so good, because its get boring, the missions is monotome, go and kill somebody, steal something, and you get a lot of useless cash. You can´t do much with the cash, when i play a game i want to build up my caracter, when collect money i want to be able to buy better guns, butter armor etc. One of the previous GTA have for example sex apeal status, so you can buy clothes to get higher status, but they have nothing like that in GTA IV. You can by clothes, but it have no function so ever.
Niko is money horney, but i can´t spend the money. It could be so much more fun if you add skills to niko, you could but garage, cars, houses, get respect points from differents game. This game feels like a movie, you have do mission 1-200 and then you got much money and the game is finished. Okey you got friends and dates, thats cool, but the dates dossent have any function. There are so much things to do and places to explore but its have no function so ever. That boring me out totaly.
When it comes to the graphic, its has no anti-aliasing so ever, the framerate is poor, its not even renderd in 720p and the framerate is poor specielly when its rain!
Rockstar have maked a lot of effort for this game, but not connected the threads in the game, thats really sad...I am in the middle of the game, but i can´t play more then an hour then a got bored out. Sorry but no 10 points becuase its have no strategy so ever. Every game today you have to work to get things, but in gta iv after i few missions you have everything.
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