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They had to make a lot of crap..
And with such a small team.
It's truly a LittleBigEffort, if you ask me.
whats wrong with people these days? It is a game base off user content. why the hell would they make a game with a long story mode. its all about the user stuff babythanos723
But doesn't that in itself kinda take the hard work out of it. It's like sayin "Hey man, let's make a game." and someone else saying "Nah man, let's let other people make it for us."
[QUOTE="thanos723"]whats wrong with people these days? It is a game base off user content. why the hell would they make a game with a long story mode. its all about the user stuff babyjubino
But doesn't that in itself kinda take the hard work out of it. It's like sayin "Hey man, let's make a game." and someone else saying "Nah man, let's let other people make it for us."
Don't you think that it took them ages to make the game engine, physics and tools though?It's ridiculous what people say about game developers.
Did this game even need a story mode? No.
Sure it rests on community creations but that's like saying God is lazy for not making things like houses, tvs, cars, computers. The tools are given by him (Sorry atheists, it's just an analogy) but it's up to us to make the best of it.
This game releases the Pandora's Box of creativity and people question the so called laziness of the game developers.
LBP is a game unique of itself. I feel that some people expect it to have had a story like Halo or Resident Evil, when it really offers a unique, clever and memorable storyline (based on beta and reviews). In fact, the story mode, though short, has been praised widely for its creativity and design.
If you are still not convinced then let us use Call of Duty 4. Excellent game, but similar to LBP in the sense that the story mode was short, but its kept alive through multiplayer. Doesnt that also mean that the community now supports the game? Does it make Infinity Ward lazy? No.
I hardly think that they're lazy and anyone who thinks otherwise better provide reasonable evidence to support their claims
[QUOTE="jubino"][QUOTE="thanos723"]whats wrong with people these days? It is a game base off user content. why the hell would they make a game with a long story mode. its all about the user stuff babyking_bobo
But doesn't that in itself kinda take the hard work out of it. It's like sayin "Hey man, let's make a game." and someone else saying "Nah man, let's let other people make it for us."
Don't you think that it took them ages to make the game engine, physics and tools though?And therein lies the arguement. I've been playin LBP since yesterday about 5pm, and I do have to say it's about 1000x better with multiplayer.
Are you kidding me??Have you seen all of the things that are possible in the game.Why would they be lazy?I could say that game devs like Infinity ward are lazy because the singleplayer in COD4 is about 5 hours long.LBP is not built on laziness.K1LLR3175
Good point. COD 4 is still a great game though. Wouldn't it be cool if you could design your own maps on there?
It's ridiculous what people say about game developers.
Did this game even need a story mode? No.Sure it rests on community creations but that's like saying God is lazy for not making things like houses, tvs, cars, computers. The tools are given by him (Sorry atheists, it's just an analogy) but it's up to us to make the best of it.
This game releases the Pandora's Box of creativity and people question the so called laziness of the game developers.
LBP is a game unique of itself. I feel that some people expect it to have had a story like Halo or Resident Evi.
I hardly think that they're lazy and anyone who thinks otherwise better provide reasonable evidence to support their claimsGameFreakJason
That was epic.
Because he just proved that Media Molecule = God.
[QUOTE="K1LLR3175"]Are you kidding me??Have you seen all of the things that are possible in the game.Why would they be lazy?I could say that game devs like Infinity ward are lazy because the singleplayer in COD4 is about 5 hours long.LBP is not built on laziness.jubino
Good point. COD 4 is still a great game though. Wouldn't it be cool if you could design your own maps on there?
It would be cool, but his point was that the multiplayer's replayability pretty much made CoD4 what it is now.
If it wasn't for the levelling system, and if it didn't have online, no one would've cared.
Remember Heavenly Sword? It only had 8 hours of story mode, and after that, it pretty much fell off the face of the earth.
Good game, nonetheless.
[QUOTE="GameFreakJason"]It's ridiculous what people say about game developers.
Did this game even need a story mode? No.Sure it rests on community creations but that's like saying God is lazy for not making things like houses, tvs, cars, computers. The tools are given by him (Sorry atheists, it's just an analogy) but it's up to us to make the best of it.
This game releases the Pandora's Box of creativity and people question the so called laziness of the game developers.
LBP is a game unique of itself. I feel that some people expect it to have had a story like Halo or Resident Evi.
I hardly think that they're lazy and anyone who thinks otherwise better provide reasonable evidence to support their claimsScianix-Black
That was epic.
Because he just proved that Media Molecule = God.
Yeah, quite a rant. The story mode is a little misleading because it doesn't seem like there's a true "story" to be told, but more of a collection of very loosely connected levels. Really fun though.
[QUOTE="thanos723"]whats wrong with people these days? It is a game base off user content. why the hell would they make a game with a long story mode. its all about the user stuff babyjubino
But doesn't that in itself kinda take the hard work out of it. It's like sayin "Hey man, let's make a game." and someone else saying "Nah man, let's let other people make it for us."
[QUOTE="Scianix-Black"][QUOTE="GameFreakJason"]It's ridiculous what people say about game developers.
Did this game even need a story mode? No.Sure it rests on community creations but that's like saying God is lazy for not making things like houses, tvs, cars, computers. The tools are given by him (Sorry atheists, it's just an analogy) but it's up to us to make the best of it.
This game releases the Pandora's Box of creativity and people question the so called laziness of the game developers.
LBP is a game unique of itself. I feel that some people expect it to have had a story like Halo or Resident Evi.
I hardly think that they're lazy and anyone who thinks otherwise better provide reasonable evidence to support their claimsjubino
That was epic.
Because he just proved that Media Molecule = God.
Yeah, quite a rant. The story mode is a little misleading because it doesn't seem like there's a true "story" to be told, but more of a collection of very loosely connected levels. Really fun though.
I re-edited what I said :D
The point is, stop nitpicking at something that is not there.
[QUOTE="jubino"][QUOTE="thanos723"]whats wrong with people these days? It is a game base off user content. why the hell would they make a game with a long story mode. its all about the user stuff babycampzor
But doesn't that in itself kinda take the hard work out of it. It's like sayin "Hey man, let's make a game." and someone else saying "Nah man, let's let other people make it for us."
Yeah, who wouldn't? I'm not sayin i'm on one side of the argument or the other though. I just wanted people to discuss. Seems pretty one sided so far. I can see why though. Really a monumental achievement for Media Molecule.
[QUOTE="campzor"][QUOTE="jubino"][QUOTE="thanos723"]whats wrong with people these days? It is a game base off user content. why the hell would they make a game with a long story mode. its all about the user stuff babyjubino
But doesn't that in itself kinda take the hard work out of it. It's like sayin "Hey man, let's make a game." and someone else saying "Nah man, let's let other people make it for us."
Yeah, who wouldn't? I'm not sayin i'm on one side of the argument or the other though. I just wanted people to discuss. Seems pretty one sided so far. I can see why though. Really a monumental achievement for Media Molecule.
If you think about it, it probably just seems like they're being lazy because they're pushing all the work onto you.
This is similar to the switch from linear gameplay to non-linear gameplay we began to see a couple of years back.
After years of linear action-adventure and platform titles, people started to break out with games like Star Wars: KOTOR and Fable; instead of making choices for you, they decided to let you make choices yourself.
So, they're giving you freedom.
This is just taking it to the next level.
We could make a game for you to play, but we'd rather just give you the tools to make your own.
It could be seen as laziness, but really it's just a step in a new direction. I mean, it's not like we're making games that rival the AAA titles we love. There are still limits.
I think it's just more freedom to create.
[QUOTE="thanos723"]whats wrong with people these days? It is a game base off user content. why the hell would they make a game with a long story mode. its all about the user stuff babyjubino
But doesn't that in itself kinda take the hard work out of it. It's like sayin "Hey man, let's make a game." and someone else saying "Nah man, let's let other people make it for us."
So the effort that it took to create a physics based world and the seemingly endless tools that allow users to create their content means nothing.
[QUOTE="jubino"][QUOTE="campzor"][QUOTE="jubino"][QUOTE="thanos723"]whats wrong with people these days? It is a game base off user content. why the hell would they make a game with a long story mode. its all about the user stuff babyScianix-Black
But doesn't that in itself kinda take the hard work out of it. It's like sayin "Hey man, let's make a game." and someone else saying "Nah man, let's let other people make it for us."
Yeah, who wouldn't? I'm not sayin i'm on one side of the argument or the other though. I just wanted people to discuss. Seems pretty one sided so far. I can see why though. Really a monumental achievement for Media Molecule.
If you think about it, it probably just seems like they're being lazy because they're pushing all the work onto you.
This is similar to the switch from linear gameplay to non-linear gameplay we began to see a couple of years back.
After years of linear action-adventure and platform titles, people started to break out with games like Star Wars: KOTOR and Fable; instead of making choices for you, they decided to let you make choices yourself.
So, they're giving you freedom.
This is just taking it to the next level.
We could make a game for you to play, but we'd rather just give you the tools to make your own.
It could be seen as laziness, but really it's just a step in a new direction. I mean, it's not like we're making games that rival the AAA titles we love. There are still limits.
I think it's just more freedom to create.
Very true. Freedom to do things and create things on your own is just cool. Combine that with a super fun multiplayer experience and you've got your AAA title. It's really fun racing each other through the level, especially when you've got to swing across something and you steal your buddies rope. Too fun.
[QUOTE="jubino"][QUOTE="thanos723"]whats wrong with people these days? It is a game base off user content. why the hell would they make a game with a long story mode. its all about the user stuff babySepewrath
But doesn't that in itself kinda take the hard work out of it. It's like sayin "Hey man, let's make a game." and someone else saying "Nah man, let's let other people make it for us."
So the effort that it took to create a physics based world and the seemingly endless tools that allow users to create their content means nothing.
Just trying to stir up a conversation. The tools are nice, I just wish you didn't have to sit through the tutorials. That, and if there were more objects available at the beginning, that'd be cool.
[QUOTE="Scianix-Black"][QUOTE="jubino"][QUOTE="campzor"][QUOTE="jubino"][QUOTE="thanos723"]whats wrong with people these days? It is a game base off user content. why the hell would they make a game with a long story mode. its all about the user stuff babyjubino
But doesn't that in itself kinda take the hard work out of it. It's like sayin "Hey man, let's make a game." and someone else saying "Nah man, let's let other people make it for us."
Yeah, who wouldn't? I'm not sayin i'm on one side of the argument or the other though. I just wanted people to discuss. Seems pretty one sided so far. I can see why though. Really a monumental achievement for Media Molecule.
If you think about it, it probably just seems like they're being lazy because they're pushing all the work onto you.
This is similar to the switch from linear gameplay to non-linear gameplay we began to see a couple of years back.
After years of linear action-adventure and platform titles, people started to break out with games like Star Wars: KOTOR and Fable; instead of making choices for you, they decided to let you make choices yourself.
So, they're giving you freedom.
This is just taking it to the next level.
We could make a game for you to play, but we'd rather just give you the tools to make your own.
It could be seen as laziness, but really it's just a step in a new direction. I mean, it's not like we're making games that rival the AAA titles we love. There are still limits.
I think it's just more freedom to create.
Very true. Freedom to do things and create things on your own is just cool. Combine that with a super fun multiplayer experience and you've got your AAA title. It's really fun racing each other through the level, especially when you've got to swing across something and you steal your buddies rope. Too fun.
Sounds like a lot of fun! Definitely picking this one up.
What I'm worried about is if people will actually take the time to make quality online material. What I got from the review is that the complexity of the creatiion aspect of the game may limit the majority of users to making nothing more than novely material. I hope they're wrong, the creative side of people never fails to amaze me.caseystryker
That's what I'm hoping for. Apparently there were some real doozies made during the beta, so I hope they keep some of them. I really don't plan on makin any maps on my own, though. I'd rather just play someone elses.
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