Online is cool in short bursts. I like singleplayer more though. I can see why people would want online. Why have online and not take advantage of it? I just don't like it when games either focus on singleplayer so much and just add a crappy online section just to get people to buy it or have a singleplayer section but waste most resources on the online. I am not saying you can't do both successfully but if one is going to outweigh the other I would rather have a game that focused soley on one thing than have multiple things but each one of them is just ok.
I agree with the Dylan Jobe the creator of Warhawk. He scratched the singleplayer in favor of a better multiplayer and that's cool. I think it's cool that Ratchet went back to it's roots and went for a more story/singleplayer experience and ditched the multiplayer aspect. I know that a lot of people want ratchet to have multiplayer again but I am hoping the new one also only is singleplayer. There is plenty of games out there with good multiplayer and singleplayer is dying quite a bit. RPG's are the last haven for SP and even they are getting online now with games like White Knight Chronicles and Demon Souls.
There are some genre's that probably are a must online such as shooting games or racing games at this point. They are easy to do and make sense to go online, but story driven games like Prince of Persia or Final Fantasy should not be online. Fighting games definitely should always be online at this point, vs is the key point to a fighting game.
It depends on the game but I don't think online is a must for every game. I don't like the ideaof "it must have online or I am not buying it." or the game must 40 hours long or I am not buying it. I understand people want their money's worth but just because a game is longer doesn't mean it's more fun or has more value. Making a game too long can screw up the pacing of the story or have things drag out longer than they need to.
A good example of a game that is perfectis Uncharted. Truethere was too much shooting and you didn'tdo much else but the story and pacing were right on, If the game were 20 hours then that would have screwed things up. I think people need to learn how to play games again or harder difficulties or sttartrenting a lot more because your aren't going to get 50 hours on every game and your not going to get Co-op in everything either.
I have started renting more myself, especially with the Wii.
Buy what you knowyou are going to keep around and rentwhat your iffy about.
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