Is PSN down in England because im getting this error message, it's never happend before in the 2 years iv had PSN and I have not changed my router or any settings.
An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStation Network.
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Is PSN down in England because im getting this error message, it's never happend before in the 2 years iv had PSN and I have not changed my router or any settings.
An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStation Network.
I live in the US and I'm getting the same message. I had plans to score some double points today on Crysis 2.I guess that's on hold. But it may be that they are preparing to bring back the store and they need the network down to do it. All the reports I read say the storefront should be up and running within the next 3-4 days. You can still play online if you logged in before the maintenance starts.JasonDarksavior
The link you provided was a post on the 24th. Nobody said there would be maintanence today. On top of that when it is maintanence, if you try to sign in it will tell you that it's undergoing. This is just an error code. Will not be surprised if this crap is happening again.
Well I signed in a few hours ago and things were fine. Must have went down in the passed 3 hours. I am thinking the worst though. Because it gives us an error code and not a maintanence message. Plus this wasn't planned. And they said that they would notify us before putting PStore back up.
I just wish they had alerted the gaming media sites about this. Or sent out an email to the users of the network stating that the network would be down.Now we are left in the dark about this issue and the main site is not even accessable--at least from what I'm told.
Yep, it's down here in Florida too. Maybe I'll take the optimistic view in saying they shut it down in order to bring back up the PSN store today. :P
I'm starting to get used to PSN coming up with error messages now. Kind of hope this is for the PSN Store to come back online but not going to get my hopes up to soon.!/Yaster/status/74835782677954561
PSN is experiencing a couple of issues with sign in right now, looking into it, in the meantime don't sign out!
Who the heck is Yaster? lol and why would he know inside stuff
Getting the same thing here also in FL USA. Was going to play some black ops but oh well good thing I've got L.A. NOIRE. C'MON SONY GET IT TOGETHER!!!
Yeah, neither me or my friend can sign in. I really hope it gets back up soon, I don't want to miss out on the last day of 2x exp on Crysis 2.
Didn't those hacker guys say something about bringing the network down again near the end of the month? = S
PSN is experiencing a couple of issues with sign in right now, looking into it, in the meantime don't sign out!
Who the heck is Yaster? lol and why would he know inside stuff
lol click on his blog, he works for sony uk
Lmao. I wouldn't put it passed those bastards to do something that trollish.PSN is down only on Weekends and Spring Breaks
Got lucky on that one. But that doesn't mean it won't happen again. From the sounds of it, they didn't take it down themselves. Sounds like something happend and they didn't know what.
Damn, i was hoping they brough the PS store back up, why tease us like that sony? WHY!!!!!!
That wasn't a tease, at all.
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