I actually haven't gotten any yet but the PS1 Classics were one of the main things that factored into buying my PSP 3000. For whatever reason, I can never find a list of available titles on Sony's website. If it makes your descision any easier, the Wikipedia has a list:
Does anyone know if all the PS1 Classics are available for PSP or just select ones?
only select PSone games are on the playstation network. some great games that are NOT on there are Ace Combat2, 3, the original Twisted Metal, Gran Turismo 1 and 2, Spiderman, Tony Hawk, Road Rash......
but yeah, a lot of GREAT ps1 games are on the psn, and they are priced "ok" usually. the original Resident evil for $10 is not bad, but some ps1 games arent worth the $5.99 minimum. the only game i've bought is Crash Bandicoot, and that game plays just like the disc version, and for $6, its a good price.
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