lmao people bother me sometimes by stupidity. Your on a GAMING website check out the games for yourself. Dont eman to sound mean but threads liek these are kind of pointless. click your platform uptop and start checking.
we could give you an answer but since u didnt even bothered to list games u already have...may be we could say ratchet and clanck and it would be new to u...so i dont know what "new" means for you
2) Are there any new games? Not "Is there any new games?"
3) Me is spelled with an e. Not an i.
4) There is no space between anybody.
5) Questions should have questions marks after them.
6) Moral of the story: ask stupid questions and you'll get treated in a condescending manner. Like Poster # 2 so clearly indicated, this is a GAMING website. In the time it took you to create an account and post, you could have printed out a list of new, old, and upcoming games.
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