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Well Rockstar has said themselves they want to fully use the blueray. And come on the meaning is we are soldiers. stealthformer
That doesn't confirm anything, though. Until we hear the words "The next game in the Grand Theft Auto franchise will be exclusive to the Playstation 3" come out of the collective mouths of Rockstar, it's not concrete and we can only speculate.
And no, not all of us are fanboys.
Why is agent exclusive. Rockstar has said themselves they want to make GTA 5 a sony exclusive but you guys are just blinded.stealthformer
I said blinded once and now you're using it? you're using it out of context. You said that GTA5 on the ps3 is confirmed, when it's quite clearly not, you just read a sort of indication that it is now a higher probability that gta5 will be a sony exclusive than before. GTA isn't the only Rockstar game either, they could use the blu-ray power with any other game they're developing. You're blinded into believing that GTA5 is a sony exclusive because you want it to be that way so much.
[QUOTE="stealthformer"]lol not all of us are fanboys.Scianix-Black
Yeah.. that's what I said.
You should atleast support your producer. Not in a fanboy way of course. Just saying when they bring out good stuff or do good things why reject them?
Take Two has said themselves they want to go more sony exclusive. Exclsuives can sell as good as multi. And why is Agent exclusive. Maybe this articale isent true. But I have heard in the past that rockstar wants to make GTA a sony exclusive again. And it will be that is final. Of course they can use the blu-ray power with any other game they're developing, that wasent my F point. I mean they have said in the past they want to.stealthformer
Did Rockstar ever say "We want to make GTA5 a PS3 exclusive"? No.
They only said they want to do more with Blu Ray. Does that mean GTA5 will be exclusive? No.
That just means they want to work more with Blu Ray. At this point you can only speculate. We're not saying that GTA5 won't be an exclusive, we're just saying that you're wrong to assume it's going to be based on the little info they've given about it and then pass that off as "official."
Take Two has said themselves they want to go more sony exclusive. Exclsuives can sell as good as multi. And why is Agent exclusive. Maybe this articale isent true. But I have heard in the past that rockstar wants to make GTA a sony exclusive again. And it will be that is final. Of course they can use the blu-ray power with any other game they're developing, that wasent my F point. I mean they have said in the past they want to.stealthformerThis is a new generation. Things are different, and the PS3 userbase is not half as big as the PS2 one was. A PS3 exclusive GTA5 would be denying T2 millions of units sold for no reason other than some silly ideal. They'd go bankrupt. Anyway, T2 is likely to be bought out at some point due to their poor financial situation, and whoever does the buying is likely not going to do such a silly thing.
[QUOTE="stealthformer"]lol not all of us are fanboys.RadecSupreme
Yeah.. that's what I said.
You should atleast support your producer. Not in a fanboy way of course. Just saying when they bring out good stuff or do good things why reject them?
There's a difference between supporting someone and having blind loyalty to them.
Sony's good at what they do, but they do have blunders. A good example is Killzone 2.
I loathed it. It was a solid title with exceptional production values, but that's all it was to me. It wasn't very fun at all and the graphics were dull and boring. All of this is my opinion, whereas a fanboy wouldn't have one. They would just love it simply because it came out of Sony's ass.
Yeah.. that's what I said.
You should atleast support your producer. Not in a fanboy way of course. Just saying when they bring out good stuff or do good things why reject them?
There's a difference between supporting someone and having blind loyalty to them.
Sony's good at what they do, but they do have blunders. A good example is Killzone 2.
I loathed it. It was a solid title with exceptional production values, but that's all it was to me. It wasn't very fun at all and the graphics were dull and boring. All of this is my opinion, whereas a fanboy wouldn't have one. They would just love it simply because it came out of Sony's ass.
lol, I know you hate KZ2 Scianix, but the game far from a "blunder".btw, I enjoy the game, so does that make me a fanboy? lol
You should atleast support your producer. Not in a fanboy way of course. Just saying when they bring out good stuff or do good things why reject them?
There's a difference between supporting someone and having blind loyalty to them.
Sony's good at what they do, but they do have blunders. A good example is Killzone 2.
I loathed it. It was a solid title with exceptional production values, but that's all it was to me. It wasn't very fun at all and the graphics were dull and boring. All of this is my opinion, whereas a fanboy wouldn't have one. They would just love it simply because it came out of Sony's ass.
lol, I know you hate KZ2 Scianix, but the game far from a "blunder".btw, I enjoy the game, so does that make me a fanboy? lol
Oh no, it's not a technical blunder, it's a personal one.
It's fine to like the game, but liking it just because it's a Sony exclusive is mindless and ignorant.
lol, I know you hate KZ2 Scianix, but the game far from a "blunder".[QUOTE="Doolz2024"]
There's a difference between supporting someone and having blind loyalty to them.
Sony's good at what they do, but they do have blunders. A good example is Killzone 2.
I loathed it. It was a solid title with exceptional production values, but that's all it was to me. It wasn't very fun at all and the graphics were dull and boring. All of this is my opinion, whereas a fanboy wouldn't have one. They would just love it simply because it came out of Sony's ass.
btw, I enjoy the game, so does that make me a fanboy? lol
Oh no, it's not a technical blunder, it's a personal one.
It's fine to like the game, but liking it just because it's a Sony exclusive is mindless and ignorant.
Alright, I thought for a second you were calling anyone that liked the game a fanboy. I happened to like it because I think it's a very good game, not just because it's exclusive to the PS3. ;)"There has been recent discussion of the exclusivity of Grand Theft Auto 5, regarding the statements Rockstar has made toward the Xbox 360."
Eh? What did they say?
Yeah.. that's what I said.
You should atleast support your producer. Not in a fanboy way of course. Just saying when they bring out good stuff or do good things why reject them?
There's a difference between supporting someone and having blind loyalty to them.
Sony's good at what they do, but they do have blunders. A good example is Killzone 2.
I loathed it. It was a solid title with exceptional production values, but that's all it was to me. It wasn't very fun at all and the graphics were dull and boring. All of this is my opinion, whereas a fanboy wouldn't have one. They would just love it simply because it came out of Sony's ass.
dude, I really agree with what you said :)
though it is agreeable that Killzone's at its best online. I hated it since I'm not an online fanatic. You can check my review if you want, I gave it a 6.0.
Fanboys don't have opinions.
Give me a F break. Go to www, and digg threw the artialces back to 2006 there you'll find your proof. If not that's your F problem.stealthformer
dude, what you found is NOT official proof. Come oooooon... you're finding statements and bending them to sound the way you want them to sound. It's VERY obvious. What you're finding is NOT proof. Stop linking us to stuff, it's not helping you. Keep believing all you want, just don't say that we can't find what you think is proof and that it's out F problem, cause it's not, it's YOUR problem. God! It isn't official, no one has agreed with you that it is cause no one has any solid proof.
When the game makers write "GTA5 is going to be a PS3 exclusive", THAT would be proof.But they haven't. They may, it's possible that they might say that someday, but they haven't, so stop thinking that we're missing out on anything. IT IS NOT OFFICIAL.
As I said before go to and look threw articles way back for 2006 there you will find your proof. If not thats your problem. Go to and look threw the articles. stealthformer
Once again, it's your problem man, not ours.
lol my problem thats funny is that english.stealthformer
lool I'm pretty sure I have the upper hand when it comes to the english language. It is your problem since you're the only one who's sure that GTA5 will be exclusive to the PS3. Quit saying that what is on that website is proof, it is clearly not proof, learn the meaning of the word.
If it makes you happy and maybe shut up, I will have to say it, I'm sick of talking to someone who's obviously wrong yet wouldn't listen on here. Ok. You got us. You're right, we're all wrong, we all have a problem, you don't... we might even have to sign ourselves for rehab. We were deceived all our lives... we were taught that proof means something undeniable, but then you come along and teach us the true meaning... thank god, we're all saved now.
Proof now means -------> whatever you want it to mean.
I better go fix my dictionary.
Go to www, you'll find the proof there, thats all thats to it.stealthformer
That's not proof. They want to make more exclusives, but the majority of their GTA IV profit was from the 360 market. If GTA V was exclusive, they'd deny themselves massive profits and that's not something that a business will do, even if they have preferences.
Come on arnt we on Sony's side.stealthformerTo think that a PS3 owner is a fanboy of that console is a horrible thing to think, especially since some of us own multiple systems. Besides, if you want to be a fanboy, that's what System Wars is for. Now stop trolling people of the PS3 board with links that go nowhere and calling it "official."
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