I'm sure the last thing everyone here needs is another newb's opinion.But hey, good sales means lots of newbs right? And right now PS3 is on a roll.
Been using a 360since a few months after that console's launch. I took the opportunity of Blu-Ray's victory as anexcuse to buy a PS3.
My opinion after a couple of weeks:
Hardware: Winner = PS3 Game Performance: Winner = 360
The PS3 hardware feels and looks like a $400+ device. Seems like a high-end piece of equipment. Watching a blu-ray movie confirms this. The love affair has begun. Compare this to the cheap looking and shortcut riddled 360 and look and feel goes to PS3. Quieter too.
Controller - getting used to dualshock. Prefer the weight of 360 controller. Tactile feel of the dualshock is certainly nice.
PS3 DVD Drive - No tray, quiet, blu-ray!
PS3 - No power brick
PS3 - Not ugly
PS3 - User upgradeable hard drive!
So far I much prefer the PS3 to the 360 except as a game console.
Programming the PS3 to utilize it's power requires more effort apparently. Many early multi-platform titles were poor ports that didn't take advantage of the PS3 hardware.
So, here we are more than a year after launch and too many reviewsstillsay something like"gameplay is identical between 360 and PS3. There is a little slowdown on the PS3 version however". And this is on new 2008 releases. Of course MGS4 looks mind blowing and shows what is possible. Wish this were the norm. GT5 looks beautiful. COD4 is not bad either.
Comparing RSV2 on my 360 and PS3 from identical locations in the game, the PS3 has lower frame rates at times. Not all the time and not enough to affect game play.
My only disappointment so far: How much longer will we have to wait before a higher percentage of titles feel like they are running on the most powerful console? Instead of a port?
Today I bought GTA4 for the PS3. So, you can see how I'm voting with my wallet. Ready for software that takes advantage of the hardware. How long will it take? Are dual platform games doomed to be poor ports? Will PS3 exclusives be the only ones to take advantage of the hardware?
Loving my PS3. Thanks for listening.
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