I played all three games and that plot point is a real problem. All they had to do is say that pandora contains unimaginable power. I don't know why they stuck so closely to "the power to kill a god" thing. Even Kratos whispers it as he opens the box for his second time even though he killed every god that wasn't Zeus already. He of all people should have figured out the box didn't contain that any more. Basically the box contained a "virus" that infected all of the gods (turning them evil) and hope which gave Kratos the power to kill the gods. A power he was only able to access at the very end when he forgave himself... Still doesn't explain his ability to kill all the gods up to that point though. Unless the "virus" that infected the gods weakened them enough for him to kill them... Still doesn't explain why he'd seek the box regardless.
The story is just illogical.
P.S. The "virus" being the evils from the war with the titans that Zeus sealed in pandora's box
WTH is wrong with you? why are you ignoring what everyone else is saying? it's not pointless, we already explained countless of times and you just ignore it to keep extending this argument.
Zeus was THE god, it doesn't matter if Kratos killed the others, they were LESSER gods, genius, you cant split a tiger in half with your hands just because you can choke a kitten, they are both felines but one is obviously a far superior predator.
Is that so hrd to understand? just answer that, if you dont and you ignore this post i'll just take it that you are a troll, and at that point everyone should stop arguing with you.
You have to admit that that's not the best explanation. They never really say that throughout the series. They always treated gods as gods and mortals as mortals. In the first two games they made a huge deal out of the fact that you cannot kill a god unless either you open pandora's box or use the blade of olympus. Kratos' quests in the first two games were solely to seek out those two items to kill the gods Ares and Zeus respectively. So now you're telling me every god is a lesser god unless it is zeus... They never once hinted that the reason kratos seeks the box again was because Zeus was on an all new level. Also, do you feel it was perhaps a bad idea for kratos to have repeated that he believed pandora's box contained the power to kill a god before he opened it at the end?
I just read through the plot of the 3 main games as I admit I was a little rusty (but so far I have not been wrong).
In the first game, Kratos can only defeat Ares when he opens the box, which makes him huge, he then becomes the god of war.
In the second game he is stripped of his godly powers, but he is STILL a demigod (he just hasn't realized yet), he IS Zeus' son, and yes Zeus IS a big deal, im sorry but if you deny this then you are just plain dumb because this is basic greek mythology...Zeus is the king of the gods, the strongest god, the god who managed to beat the Titans when they were at his prime.
The blade of Olympus is imbued with Kratos' former power, that's why they say it can kill a god, all the major gods in the game are killed with the blade of olympus, only demigods and lesser gods are killed without it.
Kratos is told by Athena that the box is again the key to success, and he believes it, you know why? because he had already used it and he saw it for himself, he didn't believed the power of to kill a god to be the magic of hope, he believed that the power to kill a god was like what he saw in the first game when he opened the game, when he grew like 50ft and was empowered by the box's power, he thought this would happen again
The box was surrounded by the flame of olympus which no one not even Zeus could touch without dying, only Pandora could quench the flame.
After this and ONLY after this, Kratos realized he always had the power and so he goes to kill Zeus.
what is so hard to understand? Kratos didn't know he had the power until he saw the box empty, and no he couldn't just realize by killing gods because these were LESSER gods, go read a book about greek mithology and you'll see a big difference between the king of the gods, major gods and lesser gods.
Its like saying that Odin is the father of the gods in his mythology, and Ra is the major god in his.
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