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they updated it a few days ago. vgcharts is much more reliable than ngw, but i would still take their numbers with a grain of salt. i'm guessing they're currently sitting at around 1.9-2m sold judging by NDP and Mediacreate numbers. this is not including all of Feb/March sales for N/A and not including March sales for Japan. they sold 30,000 PS3's on the day Gundam Musou released so expect march sales to be significantly higher in March for both N/A and Japan (and Europe).rahzel54
I think VG charts has the worst numbers. I am sure the Xbox has already passed 10 million a long time ago. The totals from that website are really close to NGW figures.
[QUOTE="Gzus666"]and how are you sure it has sold 10million? no one knows, all those sites are BS, we wont know till the parent companies say how many they soldDeihmosWell Microsoft did say they sold 10 million then i would take that as more fact then the charts
North America USA Nov: US:197,000 Dec: US:490,700 Jan: 243,554 Total in USA: 931,254 Canada 45,000 for the year January: 6,800 Grand total in Canada :51,800 Grand total in North America: 983,054 JAPAN NOV: November 6 - 12 81,639 November 13 - 19 42,099 November 20 - 26 32,622 Nov 27 - Dec 3 31,436 Total sells for NOV:187,796 Dec: Dec 4 - Dec 10 50,171 Dec 11 - 17 70,942 Dec 18 - 24 76,882 Dec 25 - 31 71,727 Total sells for Dec: 269,722 Jan Jan 1-7 69,944 Jan 8-15 25,531 Jan-16-21 21,105 Jan-22-28 19,996 Total for Jan :136,576 Feb Jan 28- Feb 4 18,727 Feb-5-11 23,431 Feb-12-19 20,676 Feb 20- 27 19,315 Total for february: 82,149 Grand total in Japan: 655,567 Grand Total WORDWIDE Sales: GRAND TOTAL WORDWIDE: 1,659,297DeihmosYup see??? 1,659.297 without february NPD. and look what Nexgenwars have now 1,540,707 100,000 short and not included Feb data yet.
I do not know how accurate those figures are and everyone knows none of the websites has an accurate amount. They are all just estimates!Deihmosthe number you quoted are compiled by loudninja in PS3forums. He got the data off M-Create Japan and NPD US published on the web, which is pretty accurate. If you dont trust the number, then you basically dont trust NPD and Media create. What VGcharts got is PS3 might sell 250k in feb and probably 70k PS3 in japan(big sales boosts because of Gundam Musou). Add them up, you get pretty close to 2 million, not there but close.
[QUOTE="Deihmos"][QUOTE="Gzus666"]and how are you sure it has sold 10million? no one knows, all those sites are BS, we wont know till the parent companies say how many they soldGzus666Well Microsoft did say they sold 10 million then i would take that as more fact then the charts Though sold means shipped for MS aswell doesn't it? I don't think MS goes around asking every retailer how many units they sold.
Ken Kentargi or however you spell it, sorry, confirmed 4 million PS3s have been shipped out as of now, im almost certain including Europes launch, but anyhow the point is yah its doing great, you can probably find it on the internet...the 2 extra million is probably for the launch this month and is being prepared and stocked and those console sale sites are slow at updating but im sure after Europe launch you'll see
[QUOTE="Gzus666"][QUOTE="Deihmos"][QUOTE="Gzus666"]and how are you sure it has sold 10million? no one knows, all those sites are BS, we wont know till the parent companies say how many they soldKrigonWell Microsoft did say they sold 10 million then i would take that as more fact then the charts Though sold means shipped for MS aswell doesn't it? I don't think MS goes around asking every retailer how many units they sold.
they havn't sold 10 million if you dont round it up, but maybe they have now, i just know when they got that award for the 10 million units sold, they wern't actually at 10 million, it was about 9.5 million, but oh well, all the other consoles are catching up rapidly, but lets hope they all do fine so we get the best of all worlds
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