[QUOTE="MonkeySpot"][QUOTE="sixgears2"] So why are you posting on a ps3 thread about GT5, matey? I fail to see how a last-gen game has any bearing on the current discussion. I'm glad you like GT4, perhaps you should head over to the correct forum to discuss it. But good work with the ironically personal insults, they certainly showed you to be the bigger man.sixgears2
Good Gawd, ok... let me spell it out for you. I understand that there's a lot going on here and you feel over-stimulated as well as persecuted for your views, but that's not the case. So stop trying to take what I said and turn it into something it's NOT. What I said about GT4 is relevant here because a lot of the criticisms are graphics, specifically the cars which were up-scaled graphically FROM GT4 ("What were they doing for six years if the cars are just cruddy up-scales of previously existing models" blahblahblah), and I remarked as how a game which is six years old (GT4) still looks plenty-nice to myself, and my roommate another player of the series since the PSOne days. We are both fans of the game not for it's amazing detail to COSMETIC sides of the vehicles (Vinyls? After-market body kits? Tint for the windows? Why don't you just go get a "My Pretty Pony" game where you can play dress-up and call it a day?), but to the attention paid when it comes to physics, and emulation of mechanics which are the real heart & soul of racing a car. Not how cool it looks, not how individual it is, but how it FEELS and RACES. I want to know how a Honda Element feels to drive versus how a Scion xB feels, and anyone who has done any sort of REAL racing will tell you that the performance and stability from ride to ride is the most important and telling thing when out on a course. What will beat which, and the "generic" cars, non-exotics, are of genuine interest to those of us who are into SIM RACING.
There's nothing wrong with this game not being your cuppa, and you don't have to justify anything to us... So enough with the belly-ache about how it wasn't what you wanted. Go back to "BurnOut Paradise" or "Mindnight Club" or "WipeOut HD" or "Motorstorm" (all excellent series in their own right), and be happy. And if I have anything to insult you about, I'll talk directly to you and you won't have any question as to who I'm adressing. Otherwise, their words in a VIDEO GAME THREAD, try not to let the world revolve around you too much, gravity can be a ****.
. And again with the insults... Just can't keep it clean, huh? Well, I'm going to ignore the personal stabs and just deal with what you said about the game itself. It is far from unreasonable to expect customization options in a modern racer, sim or not. People enjoy customizing things in racers, it makes the cars feel like their own. Add to that the fact that customization systems have been smash-hit successes in nearly every racer they have been implemented in, and there's really no reason for GT5 not to include a more in-depth system. Secondly, I never complained about the physics. The crashes are way off, but the physics work pretty well. Unfortunately, other games have done car physics correctly without making you dig through cumbersome menus, events you don't like, or archaic licensing mini games before you can really enjoy them, so why would I choose GT over the competition? The game may be about driving, but I still expect a certain level of polish and organization for the rest of it, aspects which are sadly lacking in GT5. Lastly, I have to assume that because you have yet to actually mention GT5 in your rebuttals you have either not actually played the game and are thus basing your opinion strictly on a different title that's 3/4 of a decade old (which is ludicrous, like arguing that the new MoH must be incredible because you thought Frontline looked nice 8 years ago), or that you have played GT5 and found it so uninteresting that you and your roommate have given up on it and gone back to GT4 on an entirely different system. Whichever is the case, your argument is invalid and no amount of cleverly worded personal attacks or insulting ambiguities is gong to change that.Where are the horrendous insults? You made an ass out of yourself by assuming (ASSYOUANDME) and just curl into your defensive fetal position...how do you get yourself into this? Just relax not everybody is going to agree with you...in fact not many people are. I would actually bet the majority would disagree with you.
You made the thread now take it like man and just roll with it...you'll get some supportive opinions and lots of negative ones. Just please you don't need to argue if something seems offending. :roll: Its alright we all make fools of ourselves sometimes.
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