My parents let me buy M rated games like Diablo when I was 12, that didn't make me violent. If I didn't like the game the store let me return it when I told them my parents didn't want me to play violent games :)
In my opinion, some kids should be allowed to play violent games if their parents think they're smart enough. I don't see why a game like Goldeneye 007 is rated T but Doom 3 is rated M... What's the problem with killing demons?
I don't think my parents would've had a problem if I wanted to buy GTA, it's not like you learn bad language or want to kill people from video games.
O really you don't thinkViolent video games linked to child aggression? And I quote "In every group, children who were exposed to more video game violence did become more aggressive over time than their peers who had less exposure. This was true even after the researchers took into account how aggressive the children were at the beginning of the study". Its from CNN. Where are you getting your resources?I have no sources and never did I say that kids should play M rated games. I said that some kids (meaning preteens) should be allowed to play violent games if their parents think they're smart enough. If they become aggressive, it's time to remove those games from them and do sports with them.
By the way I don't see why blood is so bad.
Edit: the people who did this study went way too far when talking about this. Almost all violent people I know don't play video games.
"First is imitation; children who watch violence in the media can internalize the message that the world is a hostile place, he explains, and that acting aggressively is an OK way to deal with it."
Well that can be solved very easily by good parenting
"It's not the violence per se that's the problem, it's the context and goals of the violence,"
We don't play for the "goals of the violence", we play for fun...
Yes, its true that certain kids are smart enough to not suck up the violence (personaly i have a problem killing a fly in real life and as i said have been playing violent games for a while). But people dont know when they are smart enough. I mean unless your mom is a shrink, or you yourself know that you wont suck it up i doubt your run of the mill parents would notice that :D
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