i think it is a lil bit racist, resident evil changed a lot!!! first spanish, now black.
is there enybody who thinks same?
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i think it is a lil bit racist, resident evil changed a lot!!! first spanish, now black.
is there enybody who thinks same?
I agree to some degree, but who can complain as long as its fun.
This is absurd. All the zombies in the original Resident Evil were white folk. Nobody thought that was racist. Come on.
One possible theory for the setting has it playing out in Haiti. This is interesting, because Haiti is one of the hotbeds for Voodoo. I can't think of a better setting for an RE game than an island which actually believes and reports "zombies". More over, it provides an interesting possible foundation for the RE mythology. I think it is important to be aware of cultural perspectives, andan ex-cop shooting black people has a potential to be inflammatory, but I think that is why it is important to put things in context.
Furthermore, it is developed by Capcom, a Japanese company, and is therefore unlikely to carry anamerican stereotype. If I had to bet, I would guess the creators thought cool, unique setting with zombie motif, and didn't even think about any racial implications. That is an american preocupation.
Do I think its racist ? NO,
Does it has racist intents? NO
If this people keep thinking of this issues, racism will never dissapear. What makes black people so special that they cant be targets in a game? How different are they from asians, or people from Irak and Iran? Or how different they are from germans? Humans are still humans, if people like the TC keep getting troubled at this, "this" wont ever stop to be an issue. So what if we kill 10k arabs in a game? Thats so cool but killing africans is not? Whats the difference? Only a racist would see a difference.
If you have racist thoughts, and you are racists you will see this game as atrocious or as extremely cool. If you, are like me, and could care less about skin color, language, etc etc, then you can enjoy the game without the thought that it "could" be racist to some. You know, the other day, while watching Penn & Teller, they had a show about this issue, and the only black guy who had a job and an university degree thinks as I do. To get rid of racism you have to start leaving the past were it is, the past.
all true. but even then, people still like to latch onto something to complain and whine about. There's bad people everywhere. The color of their skin doesn't make them any worse or better. They're still bad people. That's why i always have an initial dislike for everyone. Makes it easier.Do I think its racist ? NO,
Does it has racist intents? NO
If this people keep thinking of this issues, racism will never dissapear. What makes black people so special that they cant be targets in a game? How different are they from asians, or people from Irak and Iran? Or how different they are from germans? Humans are still humans, if people like the TC keep getting troubled at this, "this" wont ever stop to be an issue. So what if we kill 10k arabs in a game? Thats so cool but killing africans is not? Whats the difference? Only a racist would see a difference.
If you have racist thoughts, and you are racists you will see this game as atrocious or as extremely cool. If you, are like me, and could care less about skin color, language, etc etc, then you can enjoy the game without the thought that it "could" be racist to some. You know, the other day, while watching Penn & Teller, they had a show about this issue, and the only black guy who had a job and an university degree thinks as I do. To get rid of racism you have to start leaving the past were it is, the past.
i think someone is grasping for something to complain about. How bout if they made them cows? Then we could have those cows protest saying we should be killing chickens. Then the chickens could protest and say we should be killing gerbils. It could go on and on. tgschmidt
I guess after all the protesting, all we will be able to shoot at are rocks... oh wait, what about rock collecters..
Games im playing now: Resistance: Fall of man -Ps3, Ninja Gaiden Sigma -Ps3, Xenogears -Ps1, Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?Final Fantasy 7
[QUOTE="kenshinhimura16"]all true. but even then, people still like to latch onto something to complain and whine about. There's bad people everywhere. The color of their skin doesn't make them any worse or better. They're still bad people. That's why i always have an initial dislike for everyone. Makes it easier.Do I think its racist ? NO,
Does it has racist intents? NO
If this people keep thinking of this issues, racism will never dissapear. What makes black people so special that they cant be targets in a game? How different are they from asians, or people from Irak and Iran? Or how different they are from germans? Humans are still humans, if people like the TC keep getting troubled at this, "this" wont ever stop to be an issue. So what if we kill 10k arabs in a game? Thats so cool but killing africans is not? Whats the difference? Only a racist would see a difference.
If you have racist thoughts, and you are racists you will see this game as atrocious or as extremely cool. If you, are like me, and could care less about skin color, language, etc etc, then you can enjoy the game without the thought that it "could" be racist to some. You know, the other day, while watching Penn & Teller, they had a show about this issue, and the only black guy who had a job and an university degree thinks as I do. To get rid of racism you have to start leaving the past were it is, the past.
I'm happy to find someone who has the same mentality as me. The others call me a cynic. Lol.
[QUOTE="tgschmidt"]i think someone is grasping for something to complain about. How bout if they made them cows? Then we could have those cows protest saying we should be killing chickens. Then the chickens could protest and say we should be killing gerbils. It could go on and on. Abicus7
I guess after all the protesting, all we will be able to shoot at are rocks... oh wait, what about rock collecters..
Games im playing now: Resistance: Fall of man -Ps3, Ninja Gaiden Sigma -Ps3, Xenogears -Ps1, Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?Final Fantasy 7
This is absurd. All the zombies in the original Resident Evil were white folk. Nobody thought that was racist. Come on.jw_burrell
[QUOTE="Abicus7"][QUOTE="tgschmidt"]i think someone is grasping for something to complain about. How bout if they made them cows? Then we could have those cows protest saying we should be killing chickens. Then the chickens could protest and say we should be killing gerbils. It could go on and on. tgschmidt
I guess after all the protesting, all we will be able to shoot at are rocks... oh wait, what about rock collecters..
Games im playing now: Resistance: Fall of man -Ps3, Ninja Gaiden Sigma -Ps3, Xenogears -Ps1, Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?Final Fantasy 7
they already closed like 30 threads like this in system wars. everyone knows its a racist title. ncaap is already looking into it.whyamisogood716
[QUOTE="whyamisogood716"]they already closed like 30 threads like this in system wars. everyone knows its a racist title. ncaap is already looking into it.Hoffman-Hansen
It's actually the NAACP. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
[QUOTE="whyamisogood716"]they already closed like 30 threads like this in system wars. everyone knows its a racist title. ncaap is already looking into it.Acid08God I hope you're joking.
no im not kidding. and yes, oops. it is naacp. sorry for that.
[QUOTE="whyamisogood716"]they already closed like 30 threads like this in system wars. everyone knows its a racist title. ncaap is already looking into it.Hoffman-Hansen
[QUOTE="whyamisogood716"]they already closed like 30 threads like this in system wars. everyone knows its a racist title. ncaap is already looking into it.Acid08God I hope you're joking.
Oh, so its ok to kill white people but, as soon as you add a black people into the picture it's all of a sudden racist... that's pure BS!
racist title my arse.
God I hope you're joking.[QUOTE="Acid08"][QUOTE="whyamisogood716"]they already closed like 30 threads like this in system wars. everyone knows its a racist title. ncaap is already looking into it.whyamisogood716
no im not kidding. and yes, oops. it is naacp. sorry for that.
This game isn't racist at all. It's set in Africa. Black people are probably a 100% majority outside of South Africa. Who do you think zombies would be in Africa? If this is racist then RE0/1/2/3/UC/CV are extremely racist because you kill white people in them. People who think otherwise disgust me.[QUOTE="rptransam09"]I think it's sad that people always think of racism... People are afraid to do one thing to another or say something to another b/c people might think it's racist. I hate that black guys/girls can imitate white people, but when white people imitate black people - "Oh no you didn't!!."
That's why I love being Asian - most of the Asians I know make fun of themselves or other Asians and don't care when other people do, either.. it's hilarious to me.CRUNK3050
Yep apparantly only white people can be racist, but if you look into the statistics of hate crimes you will see that the majority are commited by black people.
so, whats your point exactly. that there's less African American then any other race, therefore the numbers are misleading for that reason alone? i truly laugh at suggestive hate.
[QUOTE="Hoffman-Hansen"][QUOTE="whyamisogood716"]they already closed like 30 threads like this in system wars. everyone knows its a racist title. ncaap is already looking into it.tgschmidt
Lol what do you have against leprechauns?
i think it is a lil bit racist, resident evil changed a lot!!! first spanish, now black.
is there enybody who thinks same?
Zombies have ALWAYS been people of different races, when you play zombies games do you try to pick out different races and say its racist? "LOOK THERES A BLACK ZOMBIE, THATS RACIST!!!11!!" You will look at a whole crowd of zombies and pick out one black or spanish. This is getting REALLY pathetic. People, get over yourselves, seriously.
I think people are too eager these days to jump on the racist train and callout anything that can even resemble some sort of racism. People wouldn't criticize if we were killing all white zombies. It's pretty messed up how that works. Zombies can be from all sorts of cultures and be all sorts of colors and religions but in the end they all want to eat your brains plain and simple. If you don't want to kill them because you are afraid it'll be called a hate crime then let them devour you.
But seriously I think Capcom was just going for a new exotic location to add more depth and create a cool place to set up for the next part of the series. Personally I don't want to run around Raccoon City all the time. I've been there and seen that and I think it's great how they've been exposing us to these new locations in the last couple games.
It's best not to look too closely and try to yell out racism. It's plain dumb and actually hurts a person's creativity as they'd have to watch and be very careful not to offend anyone all the time. Unless it's blantantly obvious that it's an attack on some racial group or whatever it usually isn't.
i dont recall a single spanish person crying 'racist!' at resi 4. but the colour of skin seems to amplify these issues. it should be clear to even the most stupid of tabloid editors that you are shooting these people because they are zombified and not because they are black. race will be completely irreliven in this game. if chris is alone in africa, presumably he will develop allys amoungst the locals so it wont be likethe game will portray all africans as evil.
i think it is a lil bit racist, resident evil changed a lot!!! first spanish, now black.
is there enybody who thinks same?
funny the first three were full of white people now that the zombies are of another colour it is racist....
Hmmm figures....fly that flag.... call the reverend out !!!
Man I am tired of this one way street.... it is a game you don't like it don't buy it.... I am not getting a game becasuse of the setting and charaters this year becasue of it...
[QUOTE="tgschmidt"][QUOTE="Hoffman-Hansen"][QUOTE="whyamisogood716"]they already closed like 30 threads like this in system wars. everyone knows its a racist title. ncaap is already looking into it.CRUNK3050
Lol what do you have against leprechauns?
not leprechauns. just orange people :)the first RE was white killing white, there can be no racist implications here obviously
i think re4 and re5 take place in a specific place in the world, thats why teh zombies are black spanish etc.. , it just happens that the main characters are white. As for gameplay, a black zombie hiding in the shadows is a hell of a lot more scarrier.
but as for a white guy falcon punching "native" black people? yah something seems wrong with this picture, but its obvious the setting takes place in a specific part of the world so i dont see this as a problem.
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