[QUOTE="whyamisogood716"][QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="whyamisogood716"][QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="whyamisogood716"][QUOTE="CRUNK3050"][QUOTE="whyamisogood716"][QUOTE="CRUNK3050"] [QUOTE="rptransam09"]I think it's sad that people always think of racism... People are afraid to do one thing to another or say something to another b/c people might think it's racist. I hate that black guys/girls can imitate white people, but when white people imitate black people - "Oh no you didn't!!."
That's why I love being Asian - most of the Asians I know make fun of themselves or other Asians and don't care when other people do, either.. it's hilarious to me.BeErBOnG29
Yep apparantly only white people can be racist, but if you look into the statistics of hate crimes you will see that the majority are commited by black people.
so, whats your point exactly. that there's less African American then any other race, therefore the numbers are misleading for that reason alone? i truly laugh at suggestive hate.
There you go again suggesting im a racist while im just stating facts, get over yourself. Blacks are only 13% of the population and make up the majority of hate crimes-fact.
well, you dont even realize, that you've focused on a hate crime that back's your belief or you would'nt have used it. second. you already validated my point with facts. which is true. that, 13% of the population is African American. so, if any % of that 13% is liable for a hate crime. then ofcourse its going to be the highest number because its the lowest number of populous in our population. not including the fact that the majority of label crimes are bias to the minorities anyways. its plain to see, your wisdom is very weak, and the fact that your undercover racist.
your logic is only valid if a hate crime is considered by law to be any crime in which both parties of are different races. WHICH IS COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY WRONG. A hate crime is the commission of a crime based on your victim's race/nationality/life**** So who's wisdom is weak?
i was'nt the one talking about hate crimes. you cant even read. forget wisdom, buy a dog if you want a friend, no one was talking to you.
oh im sorry i guess i hurt your little ego by proving you wrong. maybe you should change your name to whyamisobad? it might suit you more.
proving who wrong? you just butted in with a useless comment about nothing. i was just point out that your clueless.
...and you've been arguing with useless comments for half the thread. He was just pointing out you're clueless and your argument is flawed. Stop embarrassing yourself.
another comment with hate. hmmm, your not racist either.
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