someone mentioned that 1 spu is disabled but i also believe 1 spu is used for the OS or i think its also called the xmb . this leaves 6 out of the 8 spu's, also these spu's can only work as fast as the ram(256mb) can provide the data.....which is further slowed by the 5400 rpm hard drive and by the slow bluray reader. the bottom line is all this put together means the spu 's will never hit 100% load. games will continue to get better as codeing improves, but you better beleave they are useing all the cores they ram and other hardware permits. you can also expect more ylod's due to dev's finally putting out games thats actual stress the system, as well as the dust has had time to settle in our systems so if killzone 2 only uses 60% its because thats all they were able to squeese out due to the before mentioned reasonsmachiavell8x81st sensible post in this topic.
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