Hey im a reletivly new psp owner and i gotta say iv'e gotta admit i'm kinda dissapointed i mean i picked up four games w/ it.
Size Matters
Vice City Stories
and MGS PO
i guess i was expecting something outta size matters and maybe it's the new puplisher but that game certaintly didn't deliver. The lack of levels and extremely hard last boss battle didn't help and i'm a hardcore racthet lover. Daxter was amazing but after i beat the game i found that there was absolutly nothing do to besides going on a tresure hunts for orbs. Vice City was like gamespot said a sidestep for the series and i'm looking forward to IV being a ps3 owner. and lastly i ama BIGmgs fan but the game sorta lost my interest. Lastly i wanted to ask if there were any games that would maybe change my mind. I'm looking forward to crush but no one preordered it so i gotta order it
thank you
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