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who agrees that this game will get boring after 1 hour of play ESPECIALLY with no online....gorilazandgames
who agrees that this game will get boring after 1 hour of play ESPECIALLY with no online....gorilazandgames
can i borrow your advanced copy of lair?
who agrees that this game will get boring after 1 hour of play ESPECIALLY with no online....gorilazandgames
who agrees that this game will get boring after 1 hour of play ESPECIALLY with no online....gorilazandgames
I agree that this topic is so silly I'd actually expect it to come from Borat. Can we wait until the game comes out to make judgements on it? And games were entertaining before online was around. Amazing huh?
You know the part in the 8th level when you throw the thing with the SIXAXIS? Ahhhh that part was tight. See I too have played the game :roll:LiquidMetal14
did you notice in the background of that same level you could see snakes long lost uncle grandpa who he has to kill at the end of MGS 4?
 that was awesome
[QUOTE="LiquidMetal14"]You know the part in the 8th level when you throw the thing with the SIXAXIS? Ahhhh that part was tight. See I too have played the game :roll:Absynthetic
did you notice in the background of that same level you could see snakes long lost uncle grandpa who he has to kill at the end of MGS 4?
that was awesome
*Faints*......Aided by smelling salts from the deeper regions of Madagascar, awakens.........Yea now I have to go back and try that.AHAHAHA. Its funny how many interpret the fact that the game places you against thousands as if the gameplay was DW like. Its has as much as DW as of MGS.Â
I guess you never took the trouble to read any of the interviews, nor watch the videos, but anyway. If you are right, please tell me the cheat to use dragons on DW I would love to :DÂ
Why does heavenly sword get delayed and Lair gets released on its release date? I just wish it was Lair getting delayed and not HS because then I wouldn't have anything to complain about.
I'm disappointed about this because by the time HS gets released well there will be so many good games out by that time that I won't be able to afford all of them.
who agrees that this game will get boring after 1 hour of play ESPECIALLY with no online....gorilazandgames
I'd like to point out Oblivion. And Ninja Gaiden. And Resident Evil. And God of War. And Shadow of the Colossus. And Okami. And Zelda. And Final Fantasy. And a thousand other games with no multiplayer.
I can understand if you think the game might look boring for you, but c'mon...multiplayer, in and of itself, never has been and never should be a deal breaker in videogaming.Â
I'd much rather have an inventive, fun, and addictive single-player experience (Like any of the aforementioned games) than some crapshoot that's "awesome" because "like it has online dude wuts ur gamertag?"
who agrees that this game will get boring after 1 hour of play ESPECIALLY with no online....gorilazandgames
who agrees that this game will get boring after 1 hour of play ESPECIALLY with no online....gorilazandgames
Pretty good assessment! Because the foot soldiers seem to just stand and wait to be vaporized by the dragon and its rider. It's like dynasty warriors! THe graphics look good, the environment looks well constructed. However, i for one, i'm not looking forward to this game. I doubt it'll get a good score either. I hope it gets something above an 8 though since the developers seem to have taken the extra effort to tap the potential of the cell. Gameplaywise, im not too confident abt the game. We'll wait and see but, i've lookin forward to Killzone 2, heavenly sword, and Uncharted.
It looks promising, and attacking ground troops shouldn't be something hard. I mean you're on a friggin' dragon and they're just a bunch of grunts. Like they're supposed to give you serious trouble? I find it tight how you can just go down there and do all that damage to them and then just simply take off into the air again...
It looks promising, and attacking ground troops shouldn't be something hard. I mean you're on a friggin' dragon and they're just a bunch of grunts. Like they're supposed to give you serious trouble? I find it tight how you can just go down there and do all that damage to them and then just simply take off into the air again...
I'm so tired of games that amp up dragons to their various legends and mythos, and then they're complete pushovers once you have to actually fight one.
All my fellow nerds can attest that a great wyrm is no joke. Its armor class is, like, freaking 40-50s! That means you have to roll a 20, and have at least an additional 20-30 in modifiers! With full out 18 stats and a +5 weapon, that's still not enough! I mean I guess you could have a Bard casting some buffing spells, but that's still only going to help marginally, as it's assuming you roll twenties! You could try a wish spell, but you're always running on the assumption that your GM is going to totally hose with your wish. zogm! *asplodes*
I think a better comparison would've been to Drakengard. Both with dragons and on foot missions.
I don't think it'll be good either but I want them to prove me wrong. I can't think of any great game that has two dedicated battle systems and camera views (in lair's case hopping on a dragon and flying + on foot DW style fighting). Maybe with the time they've spent developing and the space on the disc will allow them to do something great.
However, jumping from one dragon to another to kill the rider then kill its dragon.... not new to me if you play GOWII. Kratos jumping from his pegasus to this other flying beast killing the rider and ripping the beast wings off... now that was hot.aka_aj03
Two things.
First and foremost: Your signature makes me angry because my copy of Sin City is messed up. I just wanted you to know that every single damn time you post, I want to watch Sin City, but I cannot, because it freezes up at the scene where Dwight shoves Shelly's boyfriend's face in the toilet. And I cannot watch it past that part.
In summation, Your signature = My busted copy of Sin City = A man's face shoved in a toilet.
So now you know that each post of yours is a man's face shoved in a toilet.
Phew. I finally got that off my chest.
Secondly: I don't know. I haven't played God of War II yet (I know, I know...) but is it just button prompts, like in God of War I? I'm hoping that there's a little more depth to Lair than that. Not that I don't find God of War's just that if they're talking up the SIXAXIS like they have been, I'm really hoping they do more than just push a few buttons. ; ;
[QUOTE="gorilazandgames"]who agrees that this game will get boring after 1 hour of play ESPECIALLY with no online....EtherTwilight
I'd like to point out Oblivion. And Ninja Gaiden. And Resident Evil. And God of War. And Shadow of the Colossus. And Okami. And Zelda. And Final Fantasy. And a thousand other games with no multiplayer.
I can understand if you think the game might look boring for you, but c'mon...multiplayer, in and of itself, never has been and never should be a deal breaker in videogaming.
I'd much rather have an inventive, fun, and addictive single-player experience (Like any of the aforementioned games) than some crapshoot that's "awesome" because "like it has online dude wuts ur gamertag?"
Nice post. :) It all depends on the game really. Factor 5 wanted to focus on single player and make it strong since storyline matters in Lair. Warhawk is the opposite where the devs are focusing on the multiplayer because multiplayer is the best part of that game. It's better they make one strong side of a game than make both sides of the game half-baked. I'm sure Lair 2 will have multiplayer and Warhawk 2 (if there will be one) will have single player because the developers will have had some PS3 experience under their belts and will be able to do both very well.Â
Nice post. :) It all depends on the game really. Factor 5 wanted to focus on single player and make it strong since storyline matters in Lair. Warhawk is the opposite where the devs are focusing on the multiplayer because multiplayer is the best part of that game. I'm sure Lair 2 will have multiplayer and Warhawk 2 (if there will be one) will have single player because the developers will have had some PS3 experience under their belts and will be able to do both. It's better they make one strong side of a game than make both sides of the game half-baked. WARRZONE
It's just annoying because people are so two-faced about it.
"Lair doesn't have multiplayer? Whatever, that's stupid, that game's gonna suck."
"Warhawk doesn't have singleplayer? Whatever, that's stupid, that game's gonna suck."
I have, more or less, actually seen both of those comments on these forums, and it makes me a sad panda. ; ;
I think a better comparison would've been to Drakengard. Both with dragons and on foot missions.
I don't think it'll be good either but I want them to prove me wrong. I can't think of any great game that has two dedicated battle systems and camera views (in lair's case hopping on a dragon and flying + on foot DW style fighting). Maybe with the time they've spent developing and the space on the disc will allow them to do something great.
Yes my first impression from seeing Lair I think of Drakengard, both are very similar. Of course Lair looks tons better I'm only wondering more about the gameplay factor. All I've seen is fireballs from the dragon and running through killing 100's of soldiers. I suppose in some sort of element it is similar to Dynasty Warriors where ya just running through killing dudes hack/slash style which was half or more of the game from Drakengard. I'm hoping for a lot more gameplay content, else it's definatly going to be pretty bland. From impressions so far I'm half n' half for this game.Â
who agrees that this game will get boring after 1 hour of play ESPECIALLY with no online....gorilazandgames
what exactly do you want online? its freking dragons you tard!
[QUOTE="Eman5805"]It looks promising, and attacking ground troops shouldn't be something hard. I mean you're on a friggin' dragon and they're just a bunch of grunts. Like they're supposed to give you serious trouble? I find it tight how you can just go down there and do all that damage to them and then just simply take off into the air again...
I'm so tired of games that amp up dragons to their various legends and mythos, and then they're complete pushovers once you have to actually fight one.
All my fellow nerds can attest that a great wyrm is no joke. Its armor class is, like, freaking 40-50s! That means you have to roll a 20, and have at least an additional 20-30 in modifiers! With full out 18 stats and a +5 weapon, that's still not enough! I mean I guess you could have a Bard casting some buffing spells, but that's still only going to help marginally, as it's assuming you roll twenties! You could try a wish spell, but you're always running on the assumption that your GM is going to totally hose with your wish. zogm! *asplodes*
lol dood, i think youre awesome. and i mean that with no sarcasm at all
This is Factor 5 developing the game. It has a touch of Dynasty Warriors, it has a touch of Drakengard. But have people forgotten what Factor 5 is famous for in the past several years? ROGUE SQUADRON!
This game has Rogue Squadron/Rogue Leader written all over it! Watching all the gameplay footage, it's definitely very similar to RS/RL. Instead of X-Wings, it's dragons! And you can land and do battle on the ground without exploding!Â
This is Factor 5 developing the game. It has a touch of Dynasty Warriors, it has a touch of Drakengard. But have people forgotten what Factor 5 is famous for in the past several years? ROGUE SQUADRON!
This game has Rogue Squadron/Rogue Leader written all over it! Watching all the gameplay footage, it's definitely very similar to RS/RL. Instead of X-Wings, it's dragons! And you can land and do battle on the ground without exploding!
One of the main differences that Lair has that Rogue Squadron did not have is motion control, and that makes a ton of difference in feel. However, the missions are set up like Factor 5's rebel assault games: traditionally, timed (but very generous in Lair so you don't really have to worry), linear objectives.Â
[QUOTE="darkagent0019"]This is Factor 5 developing the game. It has a touch of Dynasty Warriors, it has a touch of Drakengard. But have people forgotten what Factor 5 is famous for in the past several years? ROGUE SQUADRON!
This game has Rogue Squadron/Rogue Leader written all over it! Watching all the gameplay footage, it's definitely very similar to RS/RL. Instead of X-Wings, it's dragons! And you can land and do battle on the ground without exploding!
One of the main differences that Lair has that Rogue Squadron did not have is motion control, and that makes a ton of difference in feel. However, the missions are set up like Factor 5's rebel assault games: traditionally, timed (but very generous in Lair so you don't really have to worry), linear objectives.Â
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