so im sure some of u out there had or still have this game like myself, man i love this game. was one of the best games i owned on ps1, since my ps3 is a 60gb and runs ps1 and ps2 games, it runs perfectly, adn each time i revisit the game i wonder, are they making a sequal? or a remake? or somethin? i heard about 2 or 3 months ago someone posted a link to upcoming games in ***. or somethin down that line, and daw legend of dragoon 2 was being made and released by end of 2009, im still lookin tryin to dig up the thread but, its buried pretty deep lol.
SO i was wondering does anyone have any info or even want a sequal or a remake of this game? i mean imgaine it with FF versus 13 graphics and gameplay(which might be like crisis core on psp) wouldnt that be awesome game? man i honestly would do almost anythin to have that game remade or have a sequal to it. till this day i have fun playin legen of dragoon, i musta played and beat it fully 10 times, i say 10 times cuz, well, to level up and wat not to fight certain boss u had to be certain levels and knowning me i love them to have 5 or 8 levels above wat they normally should have. so if they suppose to be level 15(characters that is) to fight the virago(i think thats the spellin to it) i made sure they level 20 lol so it took time. but anyways, wat u think fellas/and girls?
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