Speaking to Akihiro Hino, CEO of Level-5, he said "There is strong evidence that is a request for a line of work like previous titles in our portofolio", as a petition on a fanmade Facebook page for Dark Cloud suggests. He continued that "The White Knight Chronicles-series did not do as well as we had planned and our recent succes with Ni No Kuni suggest we should move our next-generation games in that direction. We're not announcing a Ni No Kuni 2 as our collaboration ended with the release of the game but we're looking to revive past titles." It is true that White Knight Chronicles received a very average critical reception and the company recently announced that they are shutting down the online servers for White Knight Chronicles. While the blockbuster franchises like Professor Layton and Inazuma Eleven will continue to remain on handheld devices, there could be a reinvigoration for console titles.
"Sony contacted Level-5 about a possible next-gen game," which is no surprise as Level-5 was one of the prominently listed publishers in in the Playstation 2013 Meeting.
there was an idea for some of our old PS2-era franchises to be reimagined for the next Playstation. We were sceptical at first but seeing the hardware in action opened up a lot of new and fresh possibilities. I think it's great that Sony contacted us to collaborate on creating a new magical world for PlayStation owners. -- Akahiro Hino
We're happy to announce Dark Cloud 3 for the PlayStation 4. We will release more information at E3 2015. -- Akahiro Hino
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