OK i don't remember who it was but a while back when halo 3 came out they had some halo 3 poll which had no negative selections and someone made a topic complaining how come when there's a ps3 poll there's like 2 good choices and 3 bad ones. Hey was they were right.
Still to rich for my blood!!!!negative 360 was same price not to long ago)
Maybe depends how good haze and uncharted are (neutral but somewhat negative)
Finally the price is right. Bring on the Bluray era!!!(positive)
Can I retroactively return my $599 PS3? I feel kind of gypped. (negative again you shouldn't be feeling gypped because you had the system longer and have ps2 backwards compatibility and larger HD)
Never! You couldn't pay me! Wii60 4 Life!(negative Gamespots own personal views!!)
well there you have it we are now 100 % sure GS is unbiased!!
BTW I own all 3 systems and think they are all great, but this GS **** needs to stop and return to the times when reviewers were neutral and played games and rated them to their liking and not what system its on.
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