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omg thats goin to mys sig!360 poll = all positive answers.
Ps3 poll = all negative answers.
They dont even try to hide there fanboyism. Thats why I only come here for news and the wealth of user knowledge. Gamespot is run by a bunch of noobs. I doubt they even know what a good game is anymore if I had to judge from the past couple of years of reviews.
So PS3 just dropped its price to $250 on the 80 gig, released home for free anongside MGS4, FF13, GT5 and a FF7 remake. Your resposnse is ......
- I hate black consoles
- pfft, who cares about MGS4
- I love my 360
- I love my 360
- Still to rich for my blood.
- Home? But I have a home.
Thats about how it is.
yea I got modded for writing on that thread. I said that it made me mad that the 360 fan boys and wii fanboys could voice their opinion on the poll, but those who already had a PS3 couldn't. Space_Lion
Yeah I got modded because there was a poll about the 40gb being a heavly stripped down PS3 and all I said was that the core 360 is stripped down not the PS3 for only not having BC while the core is missing harddrive, wireless which will cost $200+ but they modded me be contradicting their PS3 comment with facts.
[QUOTE="Space_Lion"]yea I got modded for writing on that thread. I said that it made me mad that the 360 fan boys and wii fanboys could voice their opinion on the poll, but those who already had a PS3 couldn't. hiryu3
Yeah I got modded because there was a poll about the 40gb being a heavly stripped down PS3 and all I said was that the core 360 is stripped down not the PS3 for only not having BC while the core is missing harddrive, wireless which will cost $200+ but they modded me be contradicting their PS3 comment with facts.
I think they were trying to be funny.Chaos_Bladez
yeah you are 100% right, gamespot should be equitative with all the consoles.
its a games web not a xbox 360 site. for **** sake gamespot what is happening to you.
I think they were trying to be funny.Chaos_Bladez
I DONT find it funny at all, I think its just wrong because there destroying the PS3 sales and Sony doesn't deserve that because they have worked hard to make this project.
[QUOTE="treelog187"]omg thats goin to mys sig!360 poll = all positive answers.
Ps3 poll = all negative answers.
They dont even try to hide there fanboyism. Thats why I only come here for news and the wealth of user knowledge. Gamespot is run by a bunch of noobs. I doubt they even know what a good game is anymore if I had to judge from the past couple of years of reviews.
So PS3 just dropped its price to $250 on the 80 gig, released home for free anongside MGS4, FF13, GT5 and a FF7 remake. Your resposnse is ......
- I hate black consoles
- pfft, who cares about MGS4
- I love my 360
- I love my 360
- Still to rich for my blood.
- Home? But I have a home.
Thats about how it is.
LMFAO that poll is soooooooo jokes i just laughed my @$$ off lol.
I know it's getting a little out of hand it seems with GS's anti-ps3 attitude. I won't be surprised to see this as a poll one day:
"Will you be getting MGS4?"
-Hell No! I'm waiting for Halo 4
-No, Solid Snake looks to old for my liking?
-Not in a million years, Metal Gear Solid is just popular because it's realistic
-Never, It's not a first person shooter
-It's on PS3, and that already makes it trash, so a big fat NO!
-Halo 3 is teh best!!!111! MGS4 is SuCKsOrS!!111! (bonus choice for this poll)
[QUOTE="RedFuryGamer"]Many times I'll read an article on gamespot and I've noticed a lot of jabs at PS3 too. I've noticed this for a year or so now.
Where has professional unbiased journalism gone to???
$ talks
I agree. Same reason why you always hear of a EB/GS employee trying to dissaude customers from buying a PS3 and getting a 360.
[QUOTE="kaung"]Well... Gamespot is full of 360 fan boys, so no surprise here ;)
it is funny...but careful...I said the exact same thing concerning that poll and I got moded for it...
Yeah the truth hurts.:lol:I know it's getting a little out of hand it seems with GS's anti-ps3 attitude. I won't be surprised to see this as a poll one day:
"Will you be getting MGS4?"
-Hell No! I'm waiting for Halo 4
-No, Solid Snake looks to old for my liking?
-Not in a million years, Metal Gear Solid is just popular because it's realistic
-Never, It's not a first person shooter
-It's on PS3, and that already makes it trash, so a big fat NO!
-Halo 3 is teh best!!!111! MGS4 is SuCKsOrS!!111! (bonus choice for this poll)
I know your talking about the polls and such, but just want to say MGS4 is way BETTER than Halo.
I wish they would make a poll like this "So Xbox 360 is getting Gears Of War 2, you getting it?"
1. Nah, its way to overrated
2. Whats the point it will the same crap.
3, Xbox is getting boring and no good games are coming out
4. Theres no blue-ray power so whats the point
5. No way, I'm getting Metal Gear Solid 4, it owns Gears Of War 2.
6. NOOOO I'm getting a PS3 so I can buy God Of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, Tekken 6, Ratchet and Clank, Jak And Daxter : The Lost Frontier, The Getaway 3,Socom, and many more on the way that are just for PS3.:D
Because if they did that then they would be helping the PS3.:roll:I wish they would make a poll like this "So Xbox 360 is getting Gears Of War 2, you getting it?"
1. Nah, its way to overrated
2. Whats the point it will the same crap.
3, Xbox is getting boring and no good games are coming out
4. Theres no blue-ray power so whats the point
5. No way, I'm getting Metal Gear Solid 4, it owns Gears Of War 2.
6. NOOOO I'm getting a PS3 so I can buy God Of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, Tekken 6, Ratchet and Clank, Jak And Daxter : The Lost Frontier, The Getaway 3,Socom, and many more on the way that are just for PS3.:D
they said on the E# trailer for FF13 that it is ps3 exclusive...gorilazandgamesYes but how many M$ fanboys actually watched it.?
i bet someone is going to wake up monday morning go to work at good old gamespot. sit at their desk look at the ps3 fourms to see if anything has happned and then he spills his coffee after looking at this rebellion of a threadbarrett33Yeah and then mods us.:lol:........:(
if i was a 360 fan boy right now i would just go down the list and report alot of people(including myself)ahahhahbarrett33Yeah well let's hope the trolls are still busy with there halo.:D
[QUOTE="Steel_Rain777"]I know it's getting a little out of hand it seems with GS's anti-ps3 attitude. I won't be surprised to see this as a poll one day:
"Will you be getting MGS4?"
-Hell No! I'm waiting for Halo 4
-No, Solid Snake looks to old for my liking?
-Not in a million years, Metal Gear Solid is just popular because it's realistic
-Never, It's not a first person shooter
-It's on PS3, and that already makes it trash, so a big fat NO!
-Halo 3 is teh best!!!111! MGS4 is SuCKsOrS!!111! (bonus choice for this poll)
I know your talking about the polls and such, but just want to say MGS4 is way BETTER than Halo.
Oh yeah i agree with you 100% there. Halo is an overated piece of Horse feces imho. I just put that choice there for kicks. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was there Monday morning... :)
I miss when everyone had there say. I mean don't we have freedom of speech?
Why can't we have a PS3 poll with nothing bad? Geez most of the time were lucky if we have anything good for us.:(
This is why i like IGN, they have teams (playstation team, xbox team etc.). Thats why the games sometimes (most of the time) get better marks on IGN.
But i still loves the GS forums... more organized
True, Gamespot is notorious for thier 360 fanboy antics.MrNemesisYep. A lot of 360/PC gamers were on staff during the 360 launch year. GS got packed full of 360 fanboys and have been reporting on the PS3 and expect us to believe their biased writing. Not!
Indeed if Gamespot wants to be considered a credible source for gaming news and reviews then they seriously need to improve things as far as being biassed goes.
Polls like these reflect a poor level of journalism. i hope for Gamespot's sake that things do change as this site has a lot of great things about it, especially the forum community (minus the trolls and fanboys ofcourse).
[QUOTE="PMatt722"]wii60 4 life!!!gizmo_logixOh really? Then why are you in the PS3 forums? PWNED!
Not just PWNED; but, PS3WNED!
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