God I wish MGS4 would go to the 360.I really do.Then I could see how you and alot of other people would over react.I swear to god it should go right now just so i could laugh at all the Sony worshipers.Like I said before I laughed when FFXIII went to the 360 also.And all of these 'Fanboys' were saying it was a sad day in Sony history lol.Give me a break it is just a game.That and no more MGS Xbox360 rumors.I love my PS3 but people go crazy over stupid stuff.And Xbots?Really what are you 3?K1LLR3175
wowow dont take it too serious relax.
first, im not a sony fanboy ok
second, there are 2 sides if for example MGS4 or Gears2 goes to another console, the bad side, for a lot of ppl MGS4 or Gears2 was that little or big in some cases motivation to buy a PS3 or 360 and still its, so in some kind of way it will lower the sales of each system, the exclusives are an essensial thing for consoles bussisness
But lets take it further, a system without exclusives is nothing, for example the ps3 agaisnt 360, why would i buy a ps3 (this only aplly if you done guve a sh1t about blue-ray, wifi, HDD out of the box, free online,etc.) if the 360 is cheapier and hav the very same games? get my point? ok
So its the other side, those gamers that doesnt care about that and yeah for real whats the problem proting MGS4? it wouldnt be ok to share the one of the graetest games with our fellows 360 gamers? it would be great if i can play gears2 in my ps3, we are taling about games not about politics or something so extreme remember these things were meant to enjoy them.
have a nice day and have FUN
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