Fallout 3 - I hate RPGs... well, not hate, but dislike playing. I can see why people like them, but none of them really made me want to play other RPGs. Oblivion is the most un fun game I have ever played, and haven't played it since the first week I bought it for £30. Fallout 3, on the other hand, has made me want to try other RPGs. Its truly a fantastic game, and lasts forever - seriously. You can put hundreds of hours into on account, and that's possibly without getting platinum. And that's just one account, and on that one account, you have a karma system (bad, good, neutral) and each one affects gameplay and going down one route offers alternate ways to complete missions. There's also the stats system, which makes for stealth, melee, big guns or pistol, or loads of others, including hybrids and whatnot, and all rounders. That means, potentially, you could have: Melee -Good Melee -Bad Melee -Neutral Long Range - Good Long Range - Bad Long Range - Neutral Mid Range -Good Mid Range -Bad Mid Range -Neutral Stealthy -Good Stealthy -Bad Stealthy -Neutral. That's 12 possibilites, without hybrids or the other types, and all rounders. Ofcourse, you won't play that much, but let's just say 6 alltogether. On one of those, you can spend 100 hours say, unlocking things, discovering new places and completing the game. After that, the other 5 you'll spend 25 hours on each, playing through story and unlocking new stuff. Add about 25 hours of playing around and just having fun, killing off all main characters or just discovering new places, and you got yourself a long, long playtime. You might not spend that much on it, but I know theres hundreds, thousands of people out there who have. My other taste in games, which I either absolutely love, or absolutely addicted to - SOCOM: Confrontation - if you like the game, then endless hours of playtime. Modern Warfare - Ditto. Resident Evil 5 - A lot less, but I've put in about 48 hours so far, and got platinum nearly and completed game on Prof.. LittleBigPlanet. - More than Fallout 3, possibly, but it's a very different game and not all will like it. If your creative, it's a must.
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