To be honest, the PS3 has become quite boring to me and it's not that I don't enjoy games anymore, it's the lack of Japanese games.
I remember reading an article on how Japanese developers are far behind and how the Western companies are now taking over even the greatest game series... which do ruin the games imo.
Anyway, the majority of games I own and why I keep gaming is because of Japanese games. Considering I grew up on the NES, my PS/2 collection were pretty much Japanese games, but now it feels I'm in the minority now with so many games now focusing on the Western market. And with that said, I just haven't had any interest at all as I'm simply bored with it.
This may seem like complaining, but I've gone back to playing my 64/ ps era of games and recently bought a PSP so that has definitely saved my sanity which I'm having a blast with, and for once I'm having more fun again than I was playing this gen. of games.
How do you see the gen? Has it satisfied you or are you finding yourself getting bored more often?
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