Just curious its got a good price right now and been interested lately in playing if it still has a good base. Does it have cheating comparable to socom?
Just curious its got a good price right now and been interested lately in playing if it still has a good base. Does it have cheating comparable to socom?
No, the "MAG" community has it's own particular problems. You'll see.
Just curious its got a good price right now and been interested lately in playing if it still has a good base. Does it have cheating comparable to socom?
MAG is a little different than your typical shooter. It's squad based and you have to fullfill certain objectives to move on and win the game. You really don't have time to sit around and camp, it doesn't make any sense to do so in this game. However, MonkeySpot is right. It does have it's own issues.Three of my biggest peeves are: Freelancers and not following your squad's orders, Knifing has some issues, and Newbies who have know idea what is going on and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It's a good game if you get a good group of people who actually want to play the game the way it should be played listening to Commanders orders and capturing the objectives.
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