It looks like it can be alot of fun, but i already have a ps3 at home with plenty of games, so it's hard to justify spending alot of money on a psp when i already have enough to play at home, so i say to myself i'll geta psp when i go out. But when i go out, it's normaly not to play video games.
Convince me people!
Here's a few questions maybe some of you can answer.
- PSP go can hold how many games on the HDD ?
-When you delete a game 'cause you need space, can you download it again for free ?
- Is the entire library of games available for the PSP go since it doesn't have a UMD port.
-How is the online ? Like how does it work ? Is it like playing any other games on the ps3 ? Do you need a wireless modem ?
And final question.
Which do you think is best for a new comer, PSP 3000 or PSP go ??? PSP go seems a little small for the hands, looks like i'd get cramps playing on that no ?
Thx everyone.
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