There are only about a million things to do with a game like LittleBigPlanet... but I have to admit, proposing to someone via a self-made level is not one of them I had thought of. Equal parts romantic/cool/and incredibly uber-geek (and yes, I know using the phrase "uber-geek" makes me... well... uber-geeky).
As to dark, emo levels... already a ton out there. The God of War level has that Kratos sense of morality in in, Hallow Bastion is like a haunted house gone wrong (or right, depending on your view-point), and I even created a Cthulian-esque level, complete with insane sackpeople and all, named... oddly enough... Cthulian Scream. Believe it or not, but just about any atmosphere or emotion is easy to conjure up out of this game, with just a bit of effort.
Congrats to the soon-to-be couple, by the way.
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