If you played and like the previous MGS games then get MGS4, if not then you could get killzone 2, little big planet, resistance 2 (although I hate that game) or maby something like SF4. There are lots of games to get. my advice is just get one game you know you'll like and then play demos of other games so you know if you will like them or not.
you can get alot of really good used ones for cheap, since the PS3 been out for a few years now. All the previous games are good. Try Dead Space, Bioshock, Shaun White, Burnout Paradise....the list goes on.
I would go for the older ones so you can get more. Assassins Creed, The Orange Box, Rainbow Six Vegas 1 & 2. The essentials for getting a PS3 is Metal Gear Solid for and my new favorite Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
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