What does anyone think about maybe Sony and Xbox360 merging their online games that are shared by the consoles? Don't you guys think that would take a lot of stress off people who have different systems with the same game, and want to play each other online? I mean I understand the fact that the consoles rival each other and what not, but I mean that would really be interesting. If anyone has any information or comments just let me know. Its just a though though. What do you guys think?
Yes it would be interesting, im assuming you mean cross platform play or merging the two together so you can see friends online from any system contact each other/send game invites etc.
First i would have to say neither will ever happen, for one MS have a paid for service and if PS3 users could access that service for free there would be allot of unhappy campers.
Im assuming you mean cross platform play which would be very interesting, having leaderboards broken into console system, instead of arguing on message boards fangirls could challange each other to a game of GTA/cod4 or something.
But again id have to say this will never happen, MS run there own servers for every game(they are peer to peer servers but they still offer developers servers to run on instead of making there own) and on PS3 servers are maintained by the developer/publisher, thats why you have konami IDs and what not, so looking at the two platforms i would think it would be nearly impossible, but feasible 3rd party games in development could implement something like that if the companies worked together.
It's a very interesting idea but a very unlikely one, who knows what the future holds though, if Nintendo continue to storm through this generation Sony/MS may team up to provide cross platform software to offer even more features/connectivity for the consumers, but again highly unlikely.
I love this generation as the consoles are always being added to with extra features and what not through software, And in the future i think allot of things will be software based, increasing the life spans of the consoles so instead of making a new console every 5 years they continue to add allot of new features through software, theres a great article from some engineers that talk about how they can add to these new consoles to make games look/run better just through software and no need for addtional hardware.
It's an interesting time, and a interesting point you brought up but like you said these are rival companies so this sort of thing will never happen IMO, cross platform play between PC/PS3 PC/360 has already been done and i think we will se more of that, but cross platform play between the two consoles would be great. We could see which console has the better gamers through console specific leaderboards.
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