Hey in preperation for playing metal gear solid 4
i borrowed the rest of the metal gears from my friend and his ps2
so im up to number 3 now and theres a problem i sorta got warned about
im up to the pain, and my friend warned me that the game seems to stuff up around this area and stops reading the disk, but that you just have to keep trying to load it and it eventually will. well it plays the cutscene then just messes up all the time so i think its basically broken (the disc)
but i was just wondering if anyone has a save file like right after the boss fight that i could use to see if the game works after it and if you do can u tell me how to use it. thanks
btw it is snake eater, not the other one. and i guess its no biggie cause i can just find someone else to borrow number 3 off eventually
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