Please enter a GAME ID password 4-16 numbers in length. only number (0-9) can be used as GAME ID password characters. Please don't use alphabet characters and symbols.
Please enter a GAME ID password (Reenter to confirm) 4-16 numbers in length. Only number (0-9) can be used as GAME ID password characters. Please don't use alphabet characters and symboles
I can't tell you anymore than that is. Make sure that your password consists of all numbers. Try just putting in 1234567 or something. Change it later on but at least that should work since they're all numbers and somewhere between 4 and 16 characters.
help me guys i was playing MGO then when i exit out it takes me to a logging in screen then i choose my character but it says "this is restricted to playing at this time. plz try again later" this isnt the first screw up. when i exit out of ranked games sometimes it will take me back to the logging in screen and tell me "unable to use character" w t f is going on?
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