I posted this in a previous thread, but if we do get a Metal Gear Collection, to make it truely complete, it has to include the following:
The Games
Metal Gear Solid + Special Missions
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance + Document of MGS2
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (Probably minus online but with Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake)
MGS and MGS2 Digital Graphic Novels
I haven't included Twin Snakes because I don't know what the licensing issues are between Konami and Silicon Knights, and how easy it would be to transfer over, but if Konami can, they should release it, just for completion sake. It will also depend on the amount of effort required to remaster the original PS1 game. It would be amazing to see the game made from the MGS4 engine.
Trophy Support
3D (at least for Snake Eater since it is being done for the 3DS)
Full 720p 60fps, widescreen support for all 3 games
High resolution textures
Separate cutscene and casting theatre viewer for all 3 games (like the one for MGS2 & MGS3)
Boss Survival for all 3 games with online leaderboards
Metal Gear Saga Vol 1 & 2 videos
Making of MGS2 DVD features included with European version
Soundtrack included for each game
All trailers remastered in HD.
I would also like to see the packaging given the proper respect as well, with something along the lines of the Alien Anthology Blu-ray release, instead of the poor covers for GOW, Sly, POP and Tomb Raider.
If Kojima announces a PS3 release of Peace Walker, it would be nice to see at least the beta for it included.I don't think we would be able to get Portable Ops as well, but you never know.
Winning Post. This guy said everything I was thinking and then some. Kudos. I def would love to see total from the ground up HD remakes of the 2 original MG games for the NES, and I agree 1000% about the packaging.
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