[QUOTE="antking61"]You think that because they don't wonder what happened to their buddies it's weird? They're in a war. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened.
AI has always been weak in MGS. That's half of why I like it. I like teasing the guards. It's fun.
When Snake stopped running at the end of the demo he held his back to the bottom as Kojima pointed out.
Also, who the hell cares about realism? It's Sci-Fi. Ninja that block bullets, Homosexual Vampires, Arms that posess people...
hell yeah, now that's what's up!
but seriously, as soon as you want your game to be ultra realistic, then it's about that time to put down the controller and step outside, lol. i get enough realism as is, i want my games to be fake. easily fooled a.i, non-normal/realistic human appearances, etc.
give it a break tc, how can you enjoy anything if you're always so nit-picky. MGS4 will be great with or without the points of criticism that you mentioned.
try science-fiction games ?!
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