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well, I'm pretty sure the Rathlos has a fire attribute, so anything that has that attribute isn't going to do as much damage as it should (I believe). I managed to kill the Rathlos with the Velocidrome Bite (sword and shield that does like around 120 damage) and the help of many many traps and bombs.
I'd suggest carrying 2 trap tools, a pitfall trap, and a shock trap along with 3 large barrel bombs, 10 small barrel bombs, and a hefty amount of paintballs and wetstones (if your weapon dulls quickly...) I like to be prepared and make sure it's not going to get back up...
but you can always look for FAQs about taking down Rathlos and other monsters
thanks but ive tried looking for faqs against it but there arnt much good ones, also i do carry trap tools at all time i keep 3 life powder, generally 5 mega potions, 10 potions, herbs, blue mushrooms, 20 wetstones, 10 paintballs, the 9 frstaidmed in the blue box, armor seeds, power seeds, armor skins, mega armor skins,demondrug, mega demondrug , spider web and ivy. all that but its still just so hard. and do u kno how i can like counter that move where he jumps back and shoots the ground or something cos that can kill me in 1 sometimes....... also velocidrome bite, is that the wep with para attrib cos i think i have the lesser version of that....? and also again ive been told that dragon resistence is where when ur fighting the dragon/wyvern/watever like when its not hurling fire at u and stuff but like tail attacks and headbutts and stuff is that what dragon resistence helps with?akantor-slayer
well, Dragon resistance helps on the monsters that have dragon attribute (I believe you can tell what attribute it has by looking at the info you can by, I haven't played ina while) Velocidrome Bite is just a sword and shield made from Velocidrome parts (the blue alphamale raptors) it's weak kind of...
By the sounds of it, you use the great sword or the long swords, they can be good and powerful (the great sword I find is great for knocking monsters over) but I perfer sword and shield and the dual swords.
If you can, take on the Yian Garuga a couple times and make some weapons out of it, they have like a 20% chance of landing a critical hit. Also, make sure your armor is upgraded too (though I'm sure you figured that out) decorations help (you can makes ones that raise your resistance of certain attributes)
Something I do for taking on monsters that just really piss me off to my boiling point (such as the green plesioth because for some reason he was the only one I couldn't kill) I make a bow (since it's fast and has no ammo limit) and upgrade it and use empty bottles to make coatings and usually use it to kill them monster.
I hope this helps you, because honestly, I'm not the biggest Monster Hunter buff (though I've played all the PSP games...)
Well I see that you have most of the rathian set which means you have fought enough ians, now basically just treata los like an ian, except never forget that los will attack from the air instead of do flips or 3 fireball blasts. They can only poison with their talons so when they fly into the sky and start to move their legs in a bicycle motion get ready to do a safety dive or you will take a LOT of damage and be poisoned.
The absolutely best times to hit a los is when they are landing after an air attack, at least with a GS, you can get a lvl 3 charge off on any part of their body if you know the timing and placement to get the hits in.
Water or ice would be a lot better for taking it down(dragon is best against it but from looking at your equipment I doubt you can make it now). Try bringing traps and flash bombs to keep it in one place so you can get a decent number of hits in.
This game or Phantasy Star Portable???talaa123stick to your own thread dude. I fought a rathian and lost, so i can only imagine how the los is lol. I feel your pain, brother
If you still haven't gotten it... I used to have trouble with the Rathalos/Rathian... I went to the training arena and kept gettin wooped by it and eventually got better... I'd advise doing that if you can... also a few tips on killin it with longsword...
firstly, never run at it head on... I'd advise against that for almost every monster, but that can leave you open to it's charge/fire attacks/spinning attack...
start by running round the sides of it... go in at a good angle, you wanna be able to draw hit, then roll at a 45 degree angle to be right out the way of it's spinning... never try to stay in there for more hits... if you do... it may work, but more often than not you'll be on a one way trip to base camp via the kitty cart.
I'd advise going for it's tail, gettin rid of that means less getting hit by it's tail, if you can roll out the way. once it's tails gone aim for it's legs, keep hitting and rolling out, I'd say no more than 2 straight hits before moving... mainly 1... if it flinches take another... if it falls charge up on it's head or tail if it's not off yet.
this is the best bit... when it flys up in the air... stand right under it's shadow and once it's done it's attacking start a charge attack... as it comes down ***SMACK!!*** then once again roll out asap, if you're too slow it can blast you with fire while diving back.
some say it's cheap to use traps and flashbangs... I agree, it's more fun to take it out without them... but when you're having trouble with something it's usefull to use traps... shock traps are great against rathalos... get it to run onto them (watch out for it blasting fire when you're stood infront of it!) once it's in there it's tail is in the perfect place for you to charge attack it off... you can get a few more attacks in after as well... when it breaks out you wanna off out to one side of it... might scream/blast fire... god knows what it'll do... but if someone slapped you with a sword in a trap, you'd be pretty pissed too, lol.
As for flashbangs... my personal advise is, only use it to stall the monster and keep it in one place... use it to sharpen your sword, or if you've taken a lot of damage and need to heal up fast... using them over and over makes it very boring and also makes them very unpredictable/dangerous.
one last thing... if you're in the right place when it blasts the fireball straight on, run to it's head from the side... you can draw attack and roll straight on out the way.
Main thing is not to be greedy/careless... never carve the tail untill it moves area... only take meds/use items if you know you have enough time... if not then just dodge it's attacks untill you have got time. learn it's attacks and you can learn to avoid them... block it's scream if you have your weapon out... if not dive out the way.
... hope this helps... also I find it more fun to play online... PS3 + Adhoc party = pure win.
uhh the days they used to give me problems... ;) don't worry once you learn how to predict them it'll be a walk in the park
I recommend Ice(-3) or water(-1) (dragon(-4) would be best but i can tell you can get that yet)
Bring plenty of flash bombs,bombs,traps(Shocks -Pit falls to catch with),healing items and Tranq bombs (if you plan to catch)
personally i use Hammers the abiltytoknock'emloopy allways seems to help but that includes getting close to the head sodo this at your own risk...
You use LS? mabeytry to cut the tail it'll knock the range for the Tail swipe down quite a bit. and here is a hint to tell the diffrence between a charge and a fireball, when he is going to shoot a fireball he will turn around Slowly and when he is going to charge he will trun around quickly so maby this will help...
Head is the place to hit to score major damage.
happy hunting
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