So, recently, I've been active in the gamespot forums, because I've found some great conversations and info on these boards.
In the past month, I've been modded twice, once resulting in a 24 hour ban.
To quote this generation: WTF?
One case, i was asking if anyone had a spare beta key, which resulted in the 24 hour ban. Point taken, don't ask for crap on the board. Lesson learned.
Now, I posted a thread asking what people thought about when I should buy Resistance 2: should I get it now, or can I wait until later and still get the online community experience.
Survey says: I have violated the precious gamespot terms, because I posted arecommendationthread. One that is an individual need, I had a simple question about the opinion of a game community.
This isridiculous.
Yes, I'm whining. But this excessive control method is absurd.
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