I was wondering which FPS is the most popular online for PS3? I play Resistance 2 and it is real fun. I would kind of like one a little more realistic though. I am anxious for MAG.
Thanks, is Call of Duty 4 still popular on PS3 conpared to Ressitance 2 and Killzone 2?
R2 isn't as popular as COD4 and KZ2. But KZ2 and COD4 are in thier own respects very different games. If you're stratigic pick KZ2, but if you're just someone who wants fast gameplay, pick COD4.
I just picked up Socom for PS3 as well, and have to sat it is close to both KZ2 and CoD as far as either being fast paced and strategic. It is more difficult to get into though as there is no single player, but from what I have played it can be a ton of fun.
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